Chapter 1757

Such a magnificent scenery makes one's tongue dry and dare not act rashly.

That streamer is exactly the restraint of the string force at the bottom of the cliff!

Such a large amount of string force rarely occurs, and usually the family only uses loose string force, and even the piece of string force restriction that Duan Muyi saw in the Black League Academy was only one ten thousandth of this area.

Song Aotian happened to be hit on the edge of the cliff by the streamer transformed by the divine bird, and was rubbed against his shoulder by the light curtain. A piece of flesh was cut off instantly, and at the same time, the string force invaded his body. His meridians began to swim, and the severe pain made him lose consciousness almost instantly.

The Spirit Hall issued a warning for the first time, and the bridge of spiritual power connecting the Martial Arts Field and the Spirit Hall suddenly glowed, and the vast soul power from the Spirit Hall invaded the arena in an instant.

At the same time, the purple-gold figure flashed past and rushed to the edge of the cliff.

The moment Song Aotian was about to fall off the cliff, Di Kongxuan grabbed him and pulled him back.

The string force restraint rushed towards the face, and collided with the soul force that just invaded, the scene of the field quickly receded, and the two fell back to the ground.

Di Kongxuan, win!
This competition is a real strength confrontation, without any fancy tactics, and without too many words, the fight starts as soon as they meet each other, and the fight is like breaking the sky and breaking the mountain, which is very interesting.

The audience feasted their eyes and felt emotional about the result.

As a casual cultivator, it is not easy for Song Aotian to be able to occupy the top ten seats, but there are talents from generation to generation. This third son of the Dijiang clan who has just entered school, did not expect that he is already a super strong person who has cultivated the family's divine bird totem.

It's a pity to lose to him, but it's not wronged.

Duanmuyi was sitting in a wheelchair with bandages all over his body, so it was inconvenient to give him a standing ovation.Fortunately, her roommates were very considerate. They took out colored balls out of nowhere and started cheering.

The "fantuan" girls in the distance also started to shout.

The atmosphere is extremely warm.

Just here, Di Kongxuan turned around suddenly, looked at the ten seats ahead, and raised the long sword in his hand, pointing at someone.

"I challenge you."

he said quietly.

The atmosphere of the audience was like music that was sung to a climax, and the pause button was suddenly pressed, and the stillness was terrifying.

Everyone looked at the direction his sword was pointing at, opened their mouths wide, and remained comically silent.

In the silence, Mo Chengyu slowly got up.

The referee was about to say something, but he responded: "Yes."

Duanmuyi frowned slightly, as expected the most worrying thing happened.

But she couldn't stop it even if she wanted to, what's more, she knew very well in her heart that Di Kongxuan might have planned this long ago.

Just as he couldn't stop her from challenging Mo Lingyu, she couldn't stop his determination to challenge Mo Chengyu.

Thinking about it this way... Heh, the two of them are really a good match.

Offended the Mo family thoroughly.

Neither side had any objections. Although the process was a bit abrupt, it was within the rules. The referees looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally passed the challenge.

A line of words was printed on the crystal screen.

Mo Chengyu, Di Kongxuan.

"Want to take revenge?" Mo Chengyu arrived at the arena, looked at him indifferently and asked.

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes and said calmly: "Revenge? That's something left for her to do."

Mo Chengyu sneered: "Wishful thinking."

As the game started, the scene changed and changed, and finally it was fixed on a very simple gossip array.This is a famous scenic spot of the Baicao Clan. The Bagua map made of haystacks is extremely confusing because of the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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