Chapter 1758

Di Kongxuan scanned his surroundings and took a step forward.

In an instant, the haystacks around were shaking, and there were many phantoms in front of my eyes, and a black shadow rushed towards my face, and it turned out to be Mo Chengyu!

Everyone was in an uproar - the Mahayana period!

When did Mo Chengyu break through his cultivation and enter the Mahayana stage? !

Only those who are in the Mahayana stage have the ability to break through the space and move instantly. This skill that Mo Chengyu showed is completely beyond everyone's imagination.

If it was Di Kongxuan who shocked everyone before and established the chance of victory in one fell swoop, this time, it will be Mo Chengyu's home game!
Di Kongxuan's reaction was extremely fast, and he used his spiritual power to dodge almost the moment the black shadow rushed towards him.

However, no matter how fast his speed is, in the eyes of a strong Mahayana who is one level away, it seems to be slowed down countless times.

Mo Chengyu easily found his figure, and punched out without any fancy, but completely locked onto Di Kongxuan's figure.

At this moment, the space around Di Kongxuan's body was completely frozen, and he could only watch the fist land on his chest.

However, he suddenly bent his lips and revealed a sarcastic smile.

Mo Chengyu never let up, even if he was hit.Seeing his smile at this time, the alarm bells in my heart rang out, and I wanted to retreat.

It's just that he couldn't retreat.

The phantom of the divine bird reappeared, and the fierce coercion gained the upper hand in an instant.

The reason why he teleported and thundered as soon as he made a move was because he didn't want Di Kongxuan to release the tribal totem.Tribal totems can boost cultivation in battle, and are born with the coercion of divine beasts. Even if he is matched, it will be very troublesome.

Who would have thought that Di Kongxuan would still take advantage of the loophole.

Would rather be punched by him than release the totem?

No, more than that!

After Di Kongxuan released the phantom of the divine bird, Mo Chengyu's actions froze a bit.

He took the opportunity to release the spiritual fire, and instantly ignited the surrounding haystacks!

Spiritual fire can burn everything in the world, not to mention these haystacks.What's more dangerous is that these haystacks have built a formation.

Feeling the threat of the spiritual fire, the formation began to operate automatically, the gossip went retrograde, the temperature rose rapidly, and Mo Chengyu's heart missed a beat.

For the first time, he felt that the third son of the Dijiang clan was a lunatic.

Crazier than his brother!
"It will explode!" Yu Tingsong immediately got up and shouted.

No one knows the formation of the Baicao clan better than him. The Bagua formation automatically warns, if it is not lifted, it will directly self-destruct and explode.

In this way, even a strong man in the Mahayana stage can't afford to walk around.

The referees wanted to call a stop, but the Hall of Souls didn't give any warning. If they intervene, the soldiers will treat the game unfairly.

What's more, neither of the two parties spoke.

"Are they crazy?"

Mo Chengyu is not crazy, he firmly believes that his cultivation is stronger than Di Kongxuan, so he can naturally escape this disaster, and when Dikongxuan is seriously injured, what can be done to him?
Di Kongxuan was not crazy, he knew exactly what he was doing.

He just wanted to test his limits.

To become stronger, you can only temper yourself in various extreme states.

He calmly looked at Mo Chengyu in front of him. Where he hit his chest, he could feel the meridians breaking, the internal organs shattering, and the spiritual power passing through there was leaking out.

Although his body is repairing automatically, it is far from being able to repair it now.

But his fighting spirit was burned even more thoroughly.

(End of this chapter)

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