Chapter 1759

Spiritual fires rushed in all directions, and Mo Chengyu definitely didn't suffer much better than him under the scorching heat of terrifying heat.

He has a lot of hole cards, Mo Chengyu is still careless after all.

In such a dangerous situation, the two actually made the same choice, rushed to each other, and fought again!

Mo Chengyu's black spiritual power collided with Di Kongxuan's purple-gold spiritual power quickly.After the spiritual power exploded, the two figures fought together.

Fist to fist, sword to sword, I don't know how many injuries each suffered, and finally Di Kongxuan flew upside down and landed on the haystack.

In terms of cultivation, after all, Mo Chengyu is better.

But Mo Chengyu knew that this time, he also lost.

He was defeated by carelessness, and by Di Kongxuan's calculations.

The load value of the formation reached its peak, and finally it was overwhelmed. In the eyes of everyone, it exploded.

Horrific waves of fire swept all directions and were blocked by the barrier.

Duanmuyi slowly pinched the armrest of the wheelchair tightly, and the wound on his body burst open.

She stared closely at the arena, seeing black smoke billowing and being blown away by the wind.The haystacks and formations had long since disappeared, and the scene collapsed, returning to the sandy ground of the martial arts arena.

There was only one big pit left on the scene. Someone flew out from the bottom of the pit, fell to the ground and staggered, and fell directly.

It was Mo Chengyu.

Duanmuyi's heart sank.

She was about to get up, but someone was faster than her.

Looking at the people rushing into the arena, Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Shao crouched by the pit, then stretched out his hand, his spiritual power spread, blowing away the dust, revealing a seriously injured person half lying at the bottom of the pit.

His whole body was pitch black, and his pair of phoenix eyes also dimmed a lot.

Seeing Young Master Jiang, Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, then leaned on his sword and barely stood up.

"I'll pull you up." Jiang Shao said.

Di Kongxuan turned a deaf ear to it, and with a thought, You Yuan got out from the space of spiritual pets, turned into a slender man, and supported him.

Seeing him appear, Erhu suddenly said: "Master, it's You Yuan, I feel his breath."

Duanmuyi glanced at the strange man beside Dikongxuan, and he presumably must be Youyuan trained in human form.

She was more concerned about Di Kongxuan.

Di Kongxuan looked at her from the distant arena and seats, and showed a comforting smile, which was fleeting.

He looked at the referee's seat and said lightly, "I lost."

Winning or losing as you like is common practice in military strategists.

After winning against Song Aotian, Di Kongxuan was still able to help him in a critical moment; when he lost against Mo Chengyu, he did not lose his demeanor and stood up straight.

All he thought in his heart was to win back next time.

This is the last game, and what is left to the audience is even more interesting.

After the match, the new top [-] ranking will be displayed on the crystal screen, which will be kept in the Martial Arts Field for three days.Three days later, the martial arts arena will be reopened, and the students will compete and learn from each other.

Tomorrow is the closing ceremony of the Freshman Conference, and various prizes will be awarded.

Duanmuyi saw Di Mingkun go to pick up Dikongxuan from a distance, he felt a little relieved, and didn't go to bother him.

What she has to do now is to heal her wounds.

After the show ended, Duan Muyi and her roommates went back to the studio. Her wound was cracked and she needed medicine as soon as possible. Erhu went to the back mountain to look at Hua Guiyu again.

Unexpectedly, I saw three people at the exit of the martial arts arena.

Yutingsong, Duanmuyue, and Chenyuan.

The three of them stood side by side, with infinite charm, each of them was a top expert in the academy, and they all had good looks, which attracted rows of hearts from the passing girls.

(End of this chapter)

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