Chapter 1760

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched, as if he saw three peacocks.

Seeing them coming out, Yu Tingsong stepped forward first and asked, "The wound has burst? How do you feel?"

Duanmu hurriedly said: "It's okay, just go back and reapply the medicine."

"Then we'll take you back." Duanmuyue said.

The four women were all stunned, Shen Muxu's eyes were flowing back and forth, and she couldn't help but whisper to Lan Tingrui: "You all like Xiaoyi?"

"No way..." Lan Tingrui looked far away, "Is Xiaoyi so charming?"

The two spoke in a low voice, but Duanmuyue couldn't help but coughed dryly, who was not a strong man with excellent hearing.

He looked at Duanmuyi and smiled kindly: "We are all a family. Speaking of which, I should be yours..."


It seems that some seniority is not good.

Duanmuyi was wrapped in a bandage, showing no expression, but still called out in a sweet voice: "Uncle."

The crowd fell.

The corner of Duanmuyue's mouth twitched, thinking that she must go back and look up the family tree to see which branch of this dark-hearted girl is a descendant.

"You and I are not so different in age. I'm only 120 years old this year. How old are you?" Duanmuyue thought about using age to judge seniority, otherwise hearing her call uncle grandpa would really make my hair stand on end.

Unexpectedly, Duanmuyi said: "I am... over 30 years old this year, my uncle deserves it."

Practitioners under the age of one hundred are young, and it is not easy to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage at the age of one hundred, but to the stage of transforming gods at the age of one hundred, they are all geniuses.

Everyone was horrified——Duanmuyi was already in the middle of his incarnation when he was only in his 30s?
What kind of talent is this?
Yu Tingsong couldn't help but be moved, such a talent, even in Xuanye Continent, is rare in a thousand years.

Duanmuyue dug a hole for herself to jump in, and stood aside speechlessly.

"Let's go first, don't get stuck here." Yu Tingsong smiled gently.

After returning to Shuyinglou, Duanmuyi applied the medicine again, wrapped up the bandage, and then met the guests again.

"What are you looking for me for?"

Duanmuyi will not be so self-absorbed that she thinks that these three people are here to curry favor with her, the young master of the Baicao Clan, the powerful pillar of the Shengling Clan, and the patriarch of the Shensha Clan. Jiaozi, come here together, there must be something important.

Sure enough, Chen Yuan cut to the point and said, "What is your relationship with that mysterious No.2?"

"What?" Duanmuyi was stunned.

Is it related to the second hall of spirits?
Duanmu Yue said: "In order to allow you to enter the Spirit Hall to practice, Yu Tingsong went to intercede with the deans, but was rejected. If it wasn't for the sudden voice transmission, the deans might not be so talkative."

Hearing this, Duanmuyi was even more startled.

If she can enter the Hall of Spirits, is the second person in the Hall of Spirits begging for her? !
What the hell is this!

"I don't know the Second Spirit Hall at all..." Duanmuyi was at a loss, confused, it was as absurd as a primary school student in his previous life was suddenly sent to Harvard, saying that Newton pleaded for him.

"That person never showed up, why did he suddenly intercede for you?" Chen Yuan frowned, "Do you have any doubts in your heart?"

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched: "I'm new here, you haven't found out who that person is for so many years, and you're counting on me to solve the case?"

Seeing that she really didn't know, the three of them couldn't stay any longer, so they left one after another.

Before leaving, Yu Tingsong took out a volume of exercises and handed it to her.

(End of this chapter)

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