Chapter 1765

He is a scheming young man—ah bah, he can't be called a young man anymore.

It took ten days for Duanmuyi's body to fully recover from the injuries, which is already considered extremely fast. If her cultivation base had not reached the middle stage of transformation, she would not have healed so quickly.

The first thing she did after recovering was to go to the Purple Bamboo Courtyard.

When he entered the door, he saw Di Kongxuan with his upper body naked, practicing sword in the courtyard, and a man transformed into You Yuan stood by, holding a steaming towel in his hand.

"I seldom see you practicing sword. Is this a new technique?" Duanmuyi waited for him to finish a set before making a sound.

In fact, Di Kongxuan had noticed her a long time ago. At this time, he took a towel and wiped off the sweat on his body casually, put on his coat, walked over and looked at her: "Is the injury all healed?"

"It's all good, it seems that you are recovering well." Duanmuyi looked at him with a smile.

Di Kongxuan keenly sensed a murderous aura, and quickly said: "It's just happened for me too. After all, yours is a women's dormitory, so it's inconvenient to disturb you, so I'm waiting for you."

Seeing his strong desire to survive, Duanmuyi couldn't help laughing.

Di Kongxuan's figure has always been maintained very well, belonging to the type that looks thin when he takes off his clothes and puts on his clothes.When I was in the Cangyang Continent, I was a little thinner because of the strange poison in my body, but after I got rid of the poison, I flew up here, and I was well-fed and well-clothed.

At this time, he was wearing a coat loosely, his muscular chest was exposed, the scars had receded, and he was still as flawless as a beautiful jade.

The placket was open all the way to the lower abdomen, and the beautiful abdominal muscles rose and fell with the breath.

Duanmuyi smiled and admired the pictures of beautiful men, it was really seductive.

"You're looking at me so lewdly, what are you thinking?" Di Kongxuan's belly tightened under her gaze, and he felt that her gaze was like a feather fluttering lightly, but it could quickly ignite the fire in his body.

When he asked, the voice of his mouth sank a little.

Duanmuyi realized that he was too engrossed in admiration, and turned his eyes away in a concealed manner: "Who told you not to put on your clothes well, old couple, take a look and see what's there."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

This girl is really out of touch!

However, he likes the old couple in her mouth very much.

It seems that hundreds of years later, they may live forever, or they may grow old, and they can still sit together in the yard and quarrel.

"This is a newly sent sword manual. Using swordsmanship to absorb the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth can condense the spiritual energy several times. Although it is more difficult to cultivate, but fortunately, it is very rewarding." Di Kongxuan answered her last question question.

Duanmuyi glanced at it and knew it wasn't suitable for him.

"Is it your prize?"

Di Kongxuan nodded.

"We also have three exercises for the team competition, but none of them are suitable for me, so I'll give them all." Duanmuyi took out the admission jade pendant from the Spirit Hall, "When do you plan to go?"

Di Kongxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Tomorrow."

In the extra day, the two went to the back mountain.

Erhu threw Hua Guiyu in front of the two of them. Hua Guiyu, who was so powerful last time, could only kneel in front of the two of them and beg for mercy this time.

The king and the little king guard the entrance of the cave, and the ear fox is responsible for monitoring the movement around them.

Sitting on the side, Di Kongxuan watched Duanmu's tricks, but with just a few words, he taught Hua Guirong to be submissive.

Hua Guirong brought up the conflicts among the five major families of the Shengling Clan, so that Duanmuyi had a clearer understanding.

"I can let you go." Duanmuyi knelt down and looked at her, with a flash of light between his brows, he separated a ray of spiritual consciousness, and forcefully broke into Hua Guiyu's sea of ​​consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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