Chapter 1766

The sea of ​​consciousness transformed into jade was violently turbulent, but it was still suppressed by Duanmuyi.

She was shocked - this soul power is too powerful!

"There are two requirements." Duanmuyi said with a slight smile, "First, don't tell what happened these days. Second, tell those old fellows of the Shengling clan not to act rashly or hear rumors, lest they be betrayed I also need to pay for the number.”

Hua Guiyu didn't know what happened on the field, nor did he know that Duanmuyi was the owner of the pure blood, so he just nodded his head.

Duanmuyi smiled softly, like a spring breeze, but Hua Guiyu was very scared.

"Good boy, I know you will be obedient." Duanmuyi got up and said, "But just in case, I have left a wisp of spiritual consciousness in your sea of ​​consciousness, once you find any rash actions, don't blame me for being cruel. When the time comes, the talented young lady who returned to the family will become a useless idiot, what do you think will happen?"

Hua Guiyu shuddered violently, and finally realized that Duanmuyi was someone she couldn't afford.

These days, she was under house arrest here, and the sky should not be called the earth. She didn't know how many times she secretly scolded Duan Muyi, and vowed to cut her into pieces after she got out.

But after today, she couldn't bear the thought of confronting her anymore.

This woman is terrible, terrible.

Duanmu intended to let the king and the king go back with Hua Guiyu, calling them subordinates, but actually monitoring them.With Hua Guiyu here, nothing will happen to the twin brothers.

After solving this matter, she was relieved.

She had no way to prevent Mo Lingyu from insanely telling the big families that she was pregnant with pure blood, so she could only prepare in advance before the incident happened.

First of all, we must stabilize the Shengling clan. They should not act rashly if they have Huagui Yudai.

Especially the Duanmu family, as long as there is no change in the Duanmu family, other families will also take a wait-and-see attitude for the time being.

She will enter the Spirit Hall immediately, and they have no choice but to test her.

Di Kongxuan sat on the side without saying a word from the beginning to the end, watching Duanmuyi gently threatening the woman, with a smile unconsciously showing in his eyes.

This is his woman, she is not weak, she has means, she can stand on her own, and join hands with him to face the bloody storm in the future.

"Master, are you going to enter the Spirit Hall?" Erhu said, "Spirit pets are not allowed in the Spirit Hall, so I can only go back to the spirit pet space."

But Duanmuyi said: "No need, you stay outside."

Ear Fox froze for a moment.

"Help me take care of Dudu." Duanmuyi's expression softened a little.

She and Di Kongxuan are going to enter the Spirit Hall, although there is a godfather like Yue Rushuang protecting Di Dudu, nothing will happen to her.But Yue Rushuang is an extremely unreliable guy, and he is ignorant, with low cultivation, if there is a chance, she will regret it too late.

With the ear fox looking after her outside, she felt relieved.

Today's ear fox can be said to stand at the top of a monster, and its cultivation is comparable to that of a strong man in the transformation stage. He is in the dark, and the moon is like frost in the light, so Di Dudu is bound to be safe.

Seeing that she was well thought out, Di Kongxuan also summoned You Yuan and entrusted her with the same entrustment.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with him not doing this, after all, his memory has not recovered, and Di Dudu is just a cheap son to him.

But in getting along with each other these days, he likes Di Dudu very much, he likes that well-behaved and clever bun, who is a little naughty, if anyone dares to bully him, Di Kongxuan will never let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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