Chapter 1767

Duanmu smiled even more satisfied.

The next day, the two entered the Spirit Hall, and the three from Shuyinglou saw off with Lan Yao. At the gate of the Spirit Hall, they saw Yue Rushuang and Di Dudu.

Yue Rushuang didn't seem to wake up at all, she leaned on the side, her head kept pointing to her chest, Didudu was chattering beside his legs, and when she saw them coming, she immediately ran over happily.

"Father, mother!" Di Dudu threw himself into Di Kongxuan's arms.

He also came to see him off, there is no sun and moon in the spiritual hall, and he doesn't know when he will see his parents next time.

Although Di Dudu is still young, he already knows that parting is hard.

With red eyes, he said, "You guys have to come out quickly."

Duanmuyi was also very reluctant to part with him, wishing to stuff him back into his stomach and take him into the Spirit Hall.

It's just that she still has to let go of these reluctances for the time being. Only by becoming stronger can she gain a firm foothold in this world full of strong people and protect the people she wants to protect.

Di Kongxuan pinched his little cheek, and said, "Be more obedient outside, don't make people worry."

Didudu held his chin: "Do you listen to godfather? Isn't daddy afraid that godfather will lead Dudu down?"

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched, son, you are really self-aware.

Not far away, Yue Rushuang yawned, and lazily said: "What do you mean being spoiled? I saw you drinking, picking up girls and fighting, and you had a great time."

Di Dudu: "..."

Wuwuwu, godfather, please don't expose him, please!

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth silently: "Can't Mr. Yue take the children to some active and healthy occasions?"

Yue Rushuang raised her eyebrows: "For example?"

"Such as the kung fu pavilion, or the library."

"No." Yue Rushuang resolutely refused, "It's boring and sleepy."

Duanmu said: "..."

Di Kongxuan and Di Dudu bit their ears for a while, but Di Dudu finally waved goodbye to his parents with a mournful face, like an abandoned lonely family.

A second before entering the door, Duanmuyi heard Yue Rushuang say: "I'm sleepy, go eat. Go to bed after eating, really, I was woken up by you early in the morning, if you dare to disturb me again, don't sleep with me next time. "

The gate of the Spirit Hall is behind you.

Duanmuyi tried hard to suppress the twitching of the corner of his mouth, and asked: "Can I really hand him over to Yue Rushuang?"

Di Kongxuan said with a smile: "He has been with Yue Rushuang for so long, although he has escaped a bit and learned some bad habits, Yue Rushuang has protected him very well and really loves him."

"Education should start with children. What if these bad habits can't be changed in the future?" Duan Muyi was deeply worried, "Drinking, picking up girls and fighting, this is simply a gang of dandies."

"Alcohol is always to be drunk, and fights are inevitable after a fight." Di Kongxuan paused, "As for picking up girls... it is also the top priority in life."

Duanmuyi burst into tears.

With such a fierce father and such a dandy godfather, she could already foresee that her son would never return on the road of scum.

Her lovely son.

There are nine floors in the Spirit Hall. The last time freshmen visited, the two entered a house inexplicably because they were chased by the mysterious flame, so they only went to the fourth floor, and they never went to the next few floors.

So this time, Chen Yuan was responsible for taking the two to their respective training rooms.

Di Kongxuan was placed on the sixth floor according to his No.6 ranking, along with Duanmuyue, Di Mingkun, Chen Yuan and Jiang Shao on the same floor.

(End of this chapter)

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