kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 177 Really Tired

Chapter 177 Really Tired
Lu Sichen immediately fell silent and said nothing, someone must have tampered with it.

The doctor hesitated to speak, seeing Lu Sichen's sullen face and an uneasy look, he had no choice but to admit it.

By the time Han Xu parked the car, Bai Jiujiu's side had gradually recovered a little, and the itching was no longer there, but his skin was still red and shocking.

"Have you eaten or touched anything before?" Lu Sichen asked.

"It's not about eating, it's like this after changing clothes." Bai Jiujiu frowned, no wonder she thought the clothes were so fragrant and didn't care.

"I'm allergic to pollen, a small amount is fine, but a large amount can cause itchy skin."

Bai Jiujiu wanted Lu Sichen not to make a fuss before, but she was indeed frightened, itching without warning, which was extremely uncomfortable.

It was as uncomfortable as tens of thousands of ants biting his body, and he couldn't speak at all.

Lu Sichen's eyes became deeper and more terrifying.

Han Xu just heard the conversation between the two, and suddenly remembered that Yi Xuelan had entered the dressing room, but there was no evidence that she did it.

Besides, it's unlikely.

Han Xu chose more things than less things, and didn't say anything.

At this time, Yi Xuelan also rushed over, panting, very anxious, and said with concern: "Jiujiu, are you okay?"

Bai Jiujiu didn't reply, Yi Xuelan didn't mind at all.

"It's been a long time since I heard from the doctor that you may be allergic, and it's all my fault. I accidentally dropped powder containing pollen on your shirt. This is a newly bought dress. You should change it quickly."

Yi Xuelan's eyes couldn't be more sincere.

Bai Jiujiu squinted his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and accidentally dropped a whole box of powder?
Obviously intentional.

Just how did she know she was allergic to pollen?

Bai Jiujiu didn't know that Yun Manni had already investigated her situation and told Yi Xuelan everything.

Not only did Yi Xuelan know that Bai Jiujiu was allergic to pollen just like herself, but she also knew that her true identity was not a boy but a girl.

And Lu Sichen didn't even know that Bai Jiujiu was hiding it.

This made Yi Xuelan desperately come over to reveal Bai Jiujiu's true face, and show off her acting skills even harder.

"Are you angry with me?" Yi Xuelan's icy and clean face slipped a trace of sadness.

Seeing that he almost misunderstood Yi Xuelan, Han Xu helped and said, "Jiujiu, you can change."

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that Han Xu would also help Yi Xuelan speak, "No, I'm fine."

Bai Jiujiu wanted to leave, but how could Yi Xuelan let her leave easily?

"Achen, the doctor just said that you can't get any more allergens, or it will be more serious. Just now when Bai Jiujiu put on his shirt, the vest inside must have been contaminated too. You have to change into new clothes, or it will recur."

Is this forcing her to change clothes?
Bai Jiujiu didn't pay attention to it, and walked away, but was held back by Lu Sichen.

"Change your clothes before leaving."

"...I'll go back and change."

"No, change here." Thinking of Bai Jiujiu's painful appearance before, Lu Sichen didn't want to delay.

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect Yi Xuelan to use Lu Sichen to contain her.

What a big deal!
Wait, she did this just to change her clothes?

It took a lot of trouble to make myself change clothes, could it be...

Could it be that she already knew that she was a daughter, that's why she was like this?
She wanted to expose herself in front of Lu Sichen. Thinking of this, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but gasped, sweating profusely.

(End of this chapter)

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