kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 178 I'm So Tired

Chapter 178 I'm So Tired

Insidious enough, Bai Jiujiu never expected that Yixuelan was approaching step by step.

If she hadn't been vigilant all the time, I'm afraid she really fell into her way.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Bai Jiujiu was not afraid, but she really wanted to know what tricks she had next?
The big deal is to see the tricks and break the tricks.

Standing in front of the men's bathroom, Bai Jiujiu paused for a moment, and pushed away with trembling fingers, hoping not to see some hot-eyed pictures.

Han Xu saw the embarrassment in Bai Jiujiu's heart, went in first, walked around in a circle, and then said, "No one."

Yi Xuelan glanced at Han Xu, smiled meaningfully and said, "You really care about Jiujiu."

Only then did Han Xu realize that he was overly nervous just now, and he promised Bai Jiujiu would keep it a secret for her, so he just smiled and remained silent.

Lu Sichen's face instantly became a little cold and frightening.

Bai Jiujiu was thinking about changing clothes, but he didn't notice.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, he didn't expect Lu Sichen to follow him in, and locked the door behind him.

This made Bai Jiujiu, who had just calmed down, suspend his heart again.

She instantly understood Yi Xuelan's purpose.

Someone knocked fiercely outside the door, and the voice was very urgent, "Jijiu, Jiujiu!"

Han Xu saw that Lu Sichen had locked the door behind him, and was very worried that he would do something outrageous to Bai Jiujiu.

Lu Sichen ignored the knocking on the door and shouting, and Bingren stared straight at Bai Jiujiu, "Ordinary friend?"

Those icy blade-like gazes were painful.

Bai Jiujiu wanted to explain, but Lu Sichen pinched his jaw tightly, "I'm a little too concerned."

"You know that I hate being cheated the most, so you'd better tell me the truth." Lu Sichen's voice returned to the coldness of a robot, and there was a strong anger in his eyes.

"Ahem... It really doesn't matter, it's just that I had a crush on him once." Bai Jiujiu confessed truthfully, and she didn't know why she didn't want to hide anything from Lu Sichen anymore, as long as he asked, she would never lie to him.

Maybe it's because she's afraid, but it's also probably because she can't bear it. In short, she can act in front of anyone, but she can't act in front of Lu Sichen, because she can't do it even if she wants to. Every time she acts, she always shows my truest emotions.


This word made Lu Sichen's hostility even stronger, and the strength in his hands involuntarily increased.

Painful, Bai Jiujiu wanted to scold her!

It's just a crush, why are you so angry?

Bai Jiujiu was a little annoyed, angry about this kind of thing, what a madman!

Suddenly, some images came to Bai Jiujiu's mind. She not only thought about it, but also pulled the tie around Lu Sichen's neck and kissed him.

Hehe, this situation is terrible. I thought it would let him let it go, but the situation got worse and worse.

No, it will be discovered further down!

Bai Jiujiu directly blocked Lu Sichen's next movement with his clothes, with a pitiful and cute face, "I need to change my clothes."

Lu Sichen's heart thumped violently, and he let go of Bai Jiujiu, his voice was somewhat hoarse, "Don't do this next time..."

He didn't know if he would put up with it next time, anyway, he didn't like Bai Jiujiu's close relationship with anyone! ! ! !
It seems that Huo Weiting's help is not needed, and the long-term relationship makes him seem to be able to accept it, and an indescribable feeling spreads in his heart.

Lu Sichen avoided Bai Jiujiu's eyes and stared out the window thoughtfully.

Bai Jiujiu finally understood a truth at this moment.

In front of Lu Sichen, he must be subdued and not head-on, otherwise it will only lead to a worse result.

This is something that Bai Jiujiu discovered after going through such a long time, that is, he must be submissive, and the consequences of not being submissive will be very bad.

(End of this chapter)

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