Chapter 1770

"It turns out that the Mo clan is such an aristocratic family that can't afford to lose." Duanmu said with a smile, "I only know that I am willing to gamble and admit defeat. There are winners and losers in the arena. Mo Lingyu lost to me because he has no ability. I have nothing to say about my small belly."

Mo Chengyu glanced at her, and said coldly: "Very well, since you can think so, you can rest in peace when you lose to me in the future."

Duanmu smiled but said nothing.

In other people's mouths, this eldest son of the Mo tribe has always been arrogant and condescending. A small shrimp like her is caught by the academy. When did you see him confront each other?

It's just a disgrace.

But now seeing that his every sentence was a threat, Duanmuyi's heart became calm instead.

What does this mean?It shows that Mr. Mo is also nervous.Even if he didn't admit it, Duanmuyi could feel his nervousness.

In other words, he has already listed her as an opponent.

Being able to become the opponent of a super strong man in the Mahayana period... Duanmuyi thought to himself, isn't it an honor?

Alas, strength lies here, and outstanding people really can't hide it.

Duanmuyi smiled sweetly, walked out of the gate, and waved goodbye to Mo Chengyu in a friendly manner, looking calm and breezy.

She couldn't wait to rush back to the Shuying Building. Today is a rest day, and she wanted to surprise her roommates, but no one came in after opening the door.

Duanmuyi boiled water by himself and took a good bath.

After practicing, there were a lot of impurities on my body, and I was completely comfortable after washing it twice.

Feeling a little hungry after washing, Duanmu decided to go out to fill his stomach, so he went straight to the men's dormitory to visit Yue Rushuang—or, to put it another way, to see her son.

"He's not here." Yue Rushuang was a little surprised when she saw her coming, but she remained calm, "I followed a monkey and a fox around all day, I don't know where he is."

Duanmuyi had no choice but to contact Erhu again, and when he learned that they were in the back mountain, he went to the back mountain.

Before leaving, Yue Rushuang called her: "Miss Duanmu, have you made a breakthrough?"

"The difference between each level of the God Transformation stage is like a natural barrier, how can it be so easy to break through." Duanmuyi replied with a smile, "It just met my expectations."

Yue Rushuang raised her eyebrows and watched her go away.

After a while, he murmured with a smile: "Seeing that you are so confident, then I won't tell you those things."


"She came out?"

"Come out, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Hmph, notify the family immediately and get ready."

After the man left, Hua Guirong severely crushed the bouquet in her hand, and threw it aside.

She laughed grimly: "Duanmuyi, this time, I want you to die without a place to bury you!"

Duanmuyi, who didn't know it, had already arrived at the back mountain, connected remotely with Erhu, and found the place where the three of them were. Youyuan was leaning against a tree beside him, gnawing chicken legs. When he saw her coming, he greeted her politely.

"The master hasn't come out yet, I can't contact him." You Yuan said.

"Wait a little longer." Duanmu Yi also missed him, but he was not around, so he could only wait.

You Yuan knew her reason for coming, pointed to the pool not far away and said, "Dudu is there."

Duan Muyi looked over, probably because Erhu didn't tell him, so Di Dudu was still standing in the pool of water to exercise his kung fu.He was born with the combination of water-type spiritual energy and wood-type spiritual energy, and the exercise he was practicing at this time was the water-type exercise that Duanmuyi had given him earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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