Chapter 1771

He suddenly raised his hand and pressed it towards the water surface. Countless jets of water shot up into the sky and turned into icicles almost instantly, standing in mid-air.

Erhu shouted at the lake, Didudu's moves changed again, the icicles shattered and turned into ice powder, covering the entire lake surface, making it blurry.

Even Duanmuyi couldn't capture Didudu's figure.

She released her soul power, pierced through the ice powder, and found that Di Dudu was no longer where she was.

good boy!
There are not so many tricks in the water system kung fu that Duanmuyi gave him, where did he learn it?He can both attack and protect himself. Under the cover of ice powder, unless the soul power is stronger than him, his figure cannot be captured at all.

"Who?" Di Dudu actually noticed her, the ice powder dispersed, and the little guy ran ashore naked, and while he was struggling to put on his pants, he shouted, "Mother! Is that you, Mother?"

Duanmuyi came out from behind the tree and smiled at him: "My son, you have grown a lot."

"Mother!" Di Dudu rushed over, threw himself into her arms, hugged her waist and refused to let go, "Mother, why did you come out, I miss you so much..."

"I want your father to see this, do you still want this claw?" Duanmuyi joked.

Di Dudu let go of his hand with a blushing face, his eyes sparkled with joy at seeing her.

Duanmuyi found that he had grown a lot taller, before it was only at her waist, but now he was as tall as her chest.The face has also grown a lot, and the youthful handsomeness can be vaguely seen in the eyebrows and eyes, with the shadow of Di Kongxuan.

She suddenly had a feeling that my family has a child who has just grown up.

Erhu and Youyuan backed away, leaving space for them, Duanmuyi checked his progress over the past year, and was even more pleasantly surprised to learn that the exercises he showed just now were realized by himself.

This level of talent is probably far superior to her and Di Kongxuan.

"Mother, have you made a breakthrough?" Di Dudu asked while holding Duan Muyi's hand.

"No, it's not so easy to break through." Duanmuyi laughed, "You are still in the early stage of Jindan, and you will know when you reach the stage of transformation. The difference between each level, if you are lucky, maybe three to five years To break through, if you are unlucky, you may not be able to break through in your life."

Di Dudu held his chin: "Then why didn't mother retreat for a while longer?"

"Hey, have you disliked me since we haven't met for 2 minutes?" Duanmu said coolly.

Di Dudu said with a smile: "No way, mother knows that I don't mean it."

Duan Muyi said: "My retreat is not to break through my cultivation, but to cultivate my spiritual consciousness."

With a thought, a warm white light appeared between her brows, and a phantom jumped out from between her brows, fell to the ground, and turned into a woman exactly like her, but without a body, it was an illusory soul body.

Di Dudu was extremely surprised, he carefully stretched out his hand to touch it, and the soul body also raised his hand, holding his hand vaguely, but it didn't feel the slightest touch.

hand, through it.

Didudu turned to look at her: "This is... what?"

"Yuan Tai." Duanmuyi put his arms around him and said with a soft smile, "It's equivalent to my second life."

"It's amazing!" Di Dudu clenched his fists, "I want to practice too!"

Duanmuyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "This is not something that everyone can practice. You should consolidate your cultivation first, and then I will give you the formula for cultivating soul power. Whether you can reach this point depends on your own talent. "

(End of this chapter)

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