Chapter 1772

When Duanmuyi went back at night, only Lan Tingrui came back alone, so she knew that the three of them were also hurrying up their cultivation.

"Don't you know yet?" Lan Tingrui took out a pictorial from the living room and handed it to her, "The freshman assessment competition is to hunt and kill monsters. I heard that the place occupied by the monster is a former Mahayana senior There are countless treasures in heaven and earth in the Dongfu of the strong. The academy said that each person depends on his ability, and any opportunity he can get is his own."

Duanmuyi took the pictorial, a little moved.

"It's a coincidence that you came out. It's a month before the assessment competition, and there's still time to prepare." Lan Tingrui said, "We're still talking, and I don't know if you can catch up. That's it, let's take care of it." The studio is complete again."

Duanmuyi asked: "What's the matter with this assessment?"

"New students will be assessed after admission. It was supposed to be scheduled at the end of last year. Somehow, it has been delayed until now. The weather is getting hotter." Lan Tingrui said, "After the assessment, the grade will be rated. , it is no longer mandatory to attend classes, students can come and go from the academy at will, and it is good to participate in the assessment regularly."

Duanmuyi was even more moved when he heard this.

She really wanted to go out and have a look, although Xuan Ye College was full of elites, almost including the best talents in the entire continent.But after all, it is a campus, an ivory tower.

The real experience is to grow in the crisis of life and death.

Moreover, she is pregnant with pure blood, and many people in the academy are already ready to move. Leaving the academy, the vast sea of ​​people will be safer.

I just don't know... what that fellow Di Kongxuan would think.

And Dudu, he is still young, he is more suitable for him in the academy, do you want to take him along?
The two started chatting, and naturally they also talked about the retreat.

Duanmuyi only said that his cultivation base has not increased, but his soul power has improved, and his alchemy skills have improved a lot.But he didn't mention his own birth.

It's not that she can't trust her, it's just that this is her last resort to save her life, and she won't tell anyone except her close relatives.

In the next few days, I will sign up, practice, learn the attack methods of soul power, and train Didudu with Erhu and Youyuan, and I will be very busy.

One day, there was another movement from the Spirit Hall, and Yu Tingsong left the gate.

Duanmu thought for a while, prepared a small gift, and specially brought Di Dudu to visit.

Yu Tingsong had probably just finished bathing, she was wearing a loose white spring shirt, her hair was still wet, she probably didn't expect her to come, and when she opened the door and saw her, she quickly apologized and closed the door.

After waiting for a while, Yu Tingsong tidied herself up and welcomed the two inside.

"I'm here this time to thank you for the Spiritual Consciousness Cultivation Technique."

Duanmuyi put the gifts on the table: "They are all small things, you don't have to refuse them. These are not enough to repay you. In the future, if you need anything, I will go through fire and water, and I will come to help you."

Yu Tingsong smiled and said, "Then I will accept it."

He's always been like this, and won't do anything to embarrass anyone.

When she offered a gift, he accepted it, knowing that refusing would only make her more disturbed.

The two chatted for a while, and when it came to the upcoming assessment competition, Yu Tingsong was also at a loss, and only said that he would inquire again.

Di Dudu looked curiously at the furnishings in the Yuting Pine Room, and asked, "Is Uncle Yu a pharmacist just like Mother?"

Yu Tingsong smiled and said, "Yes, do you want to become a pharmacist?"

(End of this chapter)

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