Chapter 1774

The deputy dean pushed the tea towards her and said, "Don't worry, as long as you are in the academy, no one can touch you. Our Xuanye Academy doesn't care about the owner of the pure blood essence, you are Xuanye Students of the academy, as teachers, have an obligation to protect you."

Duanmuyi was stunned.

She thought that the vice-principal wanted her to come here just like those people, wanting her to contribute pure blood.She had a good impression of the vice president, and thought about what she would do if he played the emotional card.
It is impossible to give, once you give, you will confirm your identity.

She had thought of thousands of possibilities, but she never thought that he said the academy would protect her.

"Vice President, do you mean—"

"What I mean don't want to go to this freshman assessment competition." The vice president put a registration form in front of her, "The assessment site is at the junction of the Mo tribe and the Qingyue tribe, far away from the The teacher leading the team can't take care of you."

He made it very clear, if you don't go out, you will be safe, but once you go out, life and death will be decided by yourself.

Duanmuyi looked at his registration form, was silent for a moment, raised his head, and smiled: "Deputy Dean, thank you for your kindness. But I always have to go out, not this time, there will be a next time. If I hide in the academy forever Keeping it hidden, I will carry this shadow all my life, and I will never be able to make progress."

The vice president seemed to have expected this answer, and smiled helplessly: "You have to think clearly."

"I figured it out, thank you." Duanmuyi got up, saluted, turned and left.

What kind of ghosts and monsters, if you want to come at her, then come!
What surprised everyone even more was that Jiang Shao, who disrupted the rhythm of Mo Chengyu's group of attacks, snatched away Duanmuyi's mysterious snake, and faced Di Kongxuan directly, hit him directly with a group attack. Among the crowd watching each group.

Immediately hurt a piece.

Duanmuyue immediately became angry, and stepped forward with a sword: "Young Master Jiang, what are you doing!"

Young Master Jiang glanced at him and raised his eyebrows: "It's just that you guys are upset."

Damn it, it's too crazy!
The students in all groups of onlookers were all angry, and they stepped forward one after another, without hitting the black snake, and specifically greeted Young Master Jiang.But Young Master Jiang was very slippery, he took all the moves he could handle, and found angles to avoid all the moves he couldn't handle, so that those moves fell on Xuan Snake.

Under the attack of hundreds of powerhouses at the stage of transforming gods, the black snake with rough skin and thick flesh couldn't bear it, and it immediately weakened a lot.

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly and looked at Young Master Jiang.

What does he want to do?
Their two groups were rivals, Young Master Jiang should have stopped him, tried his best to snatch the black snake away, and let his group get the final blow.

But judging from the current situation, everyone seems to be helping him fight monsters.

He saw it, and so did others.

Mo Chengyu frowned, and said coldly: "Jiang Shao, what are you doing? Duanmuyi, you guys change!"

Duanmuyi chuckled: "You guys change."

She was too lazy to touch Young Master Jiang's bad luck. Since she took her position at the beginning, it was obviously impossible for Young Master Jiang to change positions easily.

But... Young Master Jiang seems to be trying to curry favor with Di Kongxuan?

As soon as this idea came up, she immediately cut it off and felt a chill.

The gossip about the three people in Shuyinglou came to her mind. Could it be that Young Master Jiang really broke his sleeve?
Jiang Shao turned a deaf ear to Mo Chengyu's words, and at the moment when everyone dropped their attacks on the black snake, the black snake was furious, a red light lit up at seven inches, and the demon core began to spin wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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