Chapter 1775

Di Kongxuan had no time to pay attention to him, the Xuan Snake's attack was at its craziest, any distraction would put him in danger.

The cultivation base of the Mahayana period came out in full force, heavily suppressing the black snake, but the effect was not significant-the monster's strong body and tenacious vitality were enough to counteract the difference of a level.

Di Mingkun wanted to pull his hand to help him, but was entangled tightly by Mo Chengyu.But this also meant that Mo Chengyu couldn't spare his hands to deal with Young Master Jiang's affairs.

Jiang Shao retreated quietly, but in an instant, he was at Duanmuyi's side.

Duanmuyi caught a glimpse of him coming, his heart sank, and he had some ominous premonition.

That round of Mo Yue pressed even lower. After more than a year of restoration, Mo Lingyu not only recovered his own cultivation, reproduced the vision of talent, but also comprehended the deep-level magic formula. A dizzying skill.

If it weren't for her outstanding soul power, she would have already lost at this time.

But she could no longer be distracted from dealing with Young Master Jiang.

Jiang Shao stood beside her with a bright smile, but what he said was extremely vicious: "I heard that the lake where the black snake lives is very poisonous and can corrode everything. The bottom of the lake is the fairy palace. , why don’t you explore the way for us first?”

"Kill the Xuan Snake and get the Yaodan before going, wouldn't it be safe?" Duanmuyi said calmly.

Young Master Jiang looked regretful: "How can the black snake be so easy to kill, if there is nothing underneath, it will save us wasting effort."

After he said that, he clapped his palm.

Suddenly there was a roar, and a furry paw poked out from behind Duanmuyi, and met Jiang Shao.The two forces collided, and a hurricane swept across the land.

The ear fox stood majesticly behind Duanmuyi, his eyes were cold, and the fur on his body stood on end. The coercion of the ancient beast rushed towards him like a tide.

Jiang Shao didn't stand still, and took several steps back.

He looked up in surprise, and murmured: "The ancient beast, the ear fox."

"Get out!" Erhu uttered words, and a roar resounded through the sky and the earth. Xuan Snake's expression froze for a moment, as if he wanted to obey out of nature, but he was not reconciled.

Erhu was really angry, he didn't expect that no matter in Cangyang Continent or Xuanye Continent after ascension, there would always be so many people staring at his master and wanting to take her life.

"Xuan Snake, in the name of the divine beast, I order you to kill him!" Erhu said in animal language, and added a very tempting sentence, "If you help me, I can give you the magic formula to break through. "

After hearing these words, the Xuan Snake immediately became obedient. It no longer entangled with Di Kong Xuan, but twisted its body and stopped in front of Young Master Jiang.

Jiang Shao sneered: "Beast!"

In his hand he held a long whip, and a long whip fell into the palm of his hand. It was the one Duanmuyi had used when she first saw him. She knew the power of this long whip. If she was below the stage of transformation, she could lose her ability to resist with one whip.

"Erhu, go back." Duanmuyi didn't want Erhu to intervene. She had too many secrets in her body. , I'm afraid she will not be safe in the days to come.

All the people present already showed greedy eyes.

But this can't be blamed on Erhu, he is not wrong, he only showed up just now to save her.

Erhu said: "Master, it's not your style to give in blindly, what the hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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