Chapter 1776

Duanmuyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's your turn to say? Those who harmed me, I will pay back a hundredfold."

Seeing that her heart was not softened, Erhu took a look at the battle situation, and finally compromised, turning into a streamer and returning to the spirit pet space.

"Was that your spiritual pet just now?" Mo Lingyu's voice was suddenly close at hand.

Duanmuyi retreated quickly almost the moment he heard the voice, but it was still too late, and was firmly restrained by Mo Lingyu's ink moon light.

Immediately, Hua Guirong flew over from the chaotic battle situation below, and smiled ferociously: "Go down!"

She raised her foot and kicked Duanmuyi directly into the lake below.


The three people from Shuyinglou came flying from three directions, Lan Tingrui was furious, and flew forward, the fire ball in her hand directly slapped Hua Guirong's chest.

Shen Muxu's eyes were condensed, as he clapped his hands together, a huge medicine cauldron fell from the sky again, almost exactly the same as the last team match, and threw Hua Guirong into the great lake.

Bai Tuantuan stood on the shore, and kicked Hua Guirong back who was about to climb ashore.

go to hell.

But Duanmuyi had lost the news, she was kicked to the center of the big lake, the water surface was calm at this time, there was no movement at all.

"What should I do?" Shen Muxu rushed over and asked.

Lan Tingrui is rolling up her sleeves: "I'm good at swimming, I'll go find her!"

"Wait—" Bai Tuantuan said, ran not far away, kicked Hua Guirong who was swimming towards the shore back again, pointed in the air, "Look!"

Everyone looked up and saw that Di Kongxuan was burning with transparent and colorless flames, and he rushed towards the center of the lake at high speed, and then jumped into the water.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Chengyu, Mo Lingyu, Di Mingkun, Jiang Shao, Duanmuyue... more than 20 people jumped into the big lake.

No one cared about Hua Guirong who was still struggling in the lake, and everyone headed towards the direction where Duanmuyi fell into the water.

Shen Muxu rubbed her chin: "Xiaoyi...the charm is really great."

"No way..." Bai Tuantuan said softly, "At least the Mo family and Young Master Jiang hate her so much—"

After finishing speaking, he raised his foot again and kicked Hua Guirong, who was screaming and cursing, into the water.

Lan Tingrui coughed dryly: "Tuantuan, you are wearing the face of a little white rabbit, kicking people into the water, the picture is so beautiful."

Bai Tuantuan blinked innocently, then kicked again.


Duanmuyi choked on two sips of water, the water in the Great Lakes was indeed extremely toxic and corrosive, and he felt a sharp pain in his mouth as soon as he took it in.Fortunately, she was full of spiritual power, and the spiritual fire spontaneously protected the Lord. Under the burning of the spiritual fire, all the poisons disappeared.

It's just that she was still bound by Mo Lingyu's ink moon beam, unable to move, and could only keep falling down.

How deep is the Great Lakes?
Duanmuyi raised his head and looked up, the lake water was muddy, the light was mottled, and then it was completely dark, and he couldn't see anything.

She noticed that many things passed by, and the spiritual fire lit up, but they were all rotten wood and utensils.

There was silence all around, Duanmu intently looked down, and under the crystal blue light of the spiritual fire, a huge underwater palace appeared in front of her eyes.

This turned out to be true!

Duanmuyi was about to go down to find out what was going on, when suddenly there was a wave of water behind her, and a hand was placed on her shoulder.With a serious expression on her face, she released her spiritual sense and was about to attack the opponent.

A voice came into her ears: "It's me."

"Dikongxuan!" Duanmuyi immediately withdrew his spiritual consciousness and turned his head to look.

(End of this chapter)

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