Chapter 1786

"I would like to agree, this... uncle who looks greasy and talks greasy, why don't you ask other people if they agree or not?" Duanmuyi said with a smile.

The corners of Lan Xun's eyes twitched—he thought that his appearance was worthy of the word "suave and suave", but how could it become greasy in this woman's mouth?
People around are snickering.

"What nonsense are you talking to her? Do you really think that she will go with you after just a few words?" Mo Lingyu snorted aside, his strange-colored pupils flickering coldly, "If you want to get the pure blood, you have to rely on your own ability. .”

Di Kongxuan raised his hand and pulled Duanmuyi behind him, his expression indifferent and his eyes condensed.

As soon as he turned his eyes, the people around him immediately felt shuddering. After seeing so many stressful eyes, Mo Chengyu could kill someone with his eyes, but it was only cold.

In Di Kongxuan's eyes, apart from ice-coldness, there was violence and madness.

A message was revealed from the beginning to the end, whoever dares to touch Duanmu will die!
"Don't hurt your peace." Duanmuyue had seen enough of the good show, and stood up to speak at this time, "I have an idea, my little one, why don't you take out a drop of your pure blood, and everyone can use it according to their own ability. Just grab that drop. After all, Xiaoyi is a member of our Duanmu family of the Shengling clan, so I won't allow you to bully me again and again."

What he said was high-sounding, as if he was a family elder who loved the younger generation, his caring eyes and gentle attitude made people unbelievable.

The people around were also silent, thinking about the feasibility of this method.

Although the Duanmu family is only a family of the Shengling clan, it has a profound background. If it is true that killing one person offends the entire family, it seems to be a bit troublesome.

It's good if you don't kill people.

Duanmuyi sneered in his heart, Duanmuyue said it nicely, but in fact he just dug a hole for her and put her on the fire to roast her.People's greed is limitless, if she took out a drop today, wouldn't she have to harass the family who didn't get the pure blood in the future?

She only had ten drops of blood essence in total. She lost four drops in the Cangyang Continent, and it took so many years to raise two drops. How could this group of hypocrites think about it.

As she thought about it, the smile on her face was even brighter.

"One drop?" Duanmuyi looked at him, and said slowly, "Uncle, how did you conclude that I must have pure blood? Just based on a few words from the Mo people? That's a pity, I can't even get a drop come out."

Seeing Duanmuyi smiling sweetly, looking at everyone with blank but innocent eyes, leaving himself completely behind, Duanmuyue's face couldn't hold back anymore.

He took two steps forward and advised, "Yi'er, since you call me uncle, you should know that I am doing it for your own good."

"Yeah, I know that uncle is doing it for my own good." Duanmuyi is extremely innocent, "but I really don't have any pure blood, uncle, why don't you persuade those people behind you to stalk me like this It doesn't make sense either."

Duanmu Yue frowned.

Said to be the uncle, he still looks young and handsome, and he can't do things like relying on the old to sell the old.

Seeing his embarrassment, a chuckle came from the side: "Miss Duanmu, it's not that we want to embarrass you. Now that you want to get rid of the suspicion and silence everyone, the best way is to let us test it."

Duanmu tilted his head to look at him: "I wonder if Young Master Jiang has any way to verify it?"

(End of this chapter)

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