Chapter 1787

Young Master Jiang looked at her and said with a smile: "In the past, Duan Muquan, the first patriarch of the Shengling Clan, together with Mo Yue, Di Jiang, and Shen Nong, went out of the territory together, and each got something. Do you know?"

This matter is not a secret, and it is recorded in the classics of various ethnic groups.

"So what?" Ran asked.

Jiang Shao sang with him, and took out a thumb-sized jade from his bosom: "Patriarch Duanmu obtained this strange stone from an unknown place outside the territory. It can perceive the purest spiritual power in the world, and it is called Lingyan jade."

He glanced past the crowd, feeling a little complacent: "Everyone, as we all know, the purest blood comes from the blood of the heart, and contains extremely pure energy. As long as you get close to it, the jade will glow."

He fixed his eyes on Duanmuyi's body, straight-on, without concealing his hostility: "Miss Duanmu, you said that you are not the owner of the pure blood essence, dare to give it a try?"

"Why don't you dare." Duanmuyi looked at him calmly, "but before that, I want to confirm one thing with everyone. Does the Lingyu test only respond to those who have pure blood essence? If someone doesn't The most pure blood, but the same pure and abundant spiritual power, will the test spirit jade respond?"

Jiang Shao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Standing behind him was a young master of the Huagui Clan, Hua Guiyu's own elder brother.

Hua Guizhi gave a salute, and said with a gentle smile, "Of course there are exceptions. Those who cultivate all five elements, or those with two bloodlines, will make the Lingyu glow. So Miss Duanmu, are you one of them?"

He stared at her fiercely.

Duanmuyi lowered his eyes.

Di Kongxuan was furious immediately, and reminded him in a cold voice: "Young Master Huagui, take care of your eyes."

"Hahaha..." Hua Guizhi didn't care too much, he has always been unrestrained, and played with women more than Yue Rushuang, but his cultivation is advanced, so no one dares to laugh at him and Yue Rushuang together.

Duanmuyi bent his lips and smiled lightly.

"That's a pity." She raised her eyes and looked over, "I'm a dual bloodline practitioner, don't you know that I've been transformed into a young master?"

Everyone was stunned.

Duan Muyi tilted his head, looked at Mo Lingyu, and smiled: "Second Master Mo should know best. How did you lose in the freshman competition last year?"

Mo Lingyu's face turned dark immediately.

How can I not remember!

He will never forget that scene, and every time he thinks about it, his hatred for Duan Muyi deepens, and he wishes to cut her into pieces.

Everyone also recalled it.

Originally, Mo Lingyu's victory was already decided, and Duanmuyi's spiritual power was short, but suddenly the original blue-green spiritual power turned into silver-white spiritual power, which also attracted the phenomenon of thunder and lightning.That was the turning point of the normal competition, and everyone will never forget it.

But later, both of them were seriously injured, and God Kongxuan even selected the top ten seats. It was so shocking that everyone selectively forgot Duanmuyi's strength.

Looking back now, yes, how could one person have two spiritual powers?
Either it is multi-cultivation of the five elements, or it is double blood!
"This is really a big surprise." Jiang Shaoyan smiled, "I never thought that Miss Duanmu is a dual-bloodline practitioner. Apart from the bloodline of the Shengling clan, I don't know what the other bloodline is?"

"Is it necessary to tell you?" Duanmuyi stepped forward, took the jade from his hand, and put it on his chest.

The Lingyu jade emitted a faint white light, and a warm current flowed into Duanmuyi's heart silently.In the blink of an eye, the white light shone brightly, and everyone closed their eyes subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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