Chapter 1788

Duanmuyi's wrist was grabbed by someone, and he was quickly dragged away from here.

"Are you crazy?" Di Kongxuan took advantage of people not paying attention, and pulled her to walk in another direction, "Why do you admit that you have dual bloodlines? Don't you know that dual bloodlines are also a rare cultivation physique?"

Duanmuyi said: "I know."

Di Kongxuan stopped in his tracks, turned his head and stared at her viciously.

She is already a treasure, don't you think she is not dangerous enough?

However, Duan Muyi said: "When I was rumored to have the pure blood essence, those people wanted to kill me to get the blood essence. When my soul pet appeared in front of everyone, those people wanted to force me to hand over the soul pet. Tell me, how will they react when they find out that I am even a dual-bloodline practitioner?"

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, and then suddenly relaxed his brows.

He was too nervous about her safety just now, that's why he lost his composure.But he had to admit that she was farther ahead than he thought in this matter.

Duanmuyi knew that he had reacted, and smiled slightly: "When they find out that the secrets about me exceed their expectations, some of them, even some families, will want to befriend me. Kill me, not necessarily You can get the purest blood. But if you make friends with me, you can get my trust and help."

When a person looks weak, any treasure on her body will be coveted.However, when her strength was strong, no one dared to underestimate her.

This is not a solution Duanmu Yiya came up with in just a short moment, but she has been thinking about it since the beginning of her retreat.

The exposure of the pure blood is a matter of time, even if she doesn't admit it now, it's useless.

But what if she has more unexpected things besides pure blood essence?

With no one chasing after them, Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan changed paths and moved towards the location they remembered earlier.

She has not forgotten the purpose of this trip.

However, the two didn't go far, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

It was too quiet... Even if the group of people were blinded by the light of the spirit test jade, they wouldn't be so quiet.

"No, someone must have triggered the restriction!" Duanmuyi immediately released his spiritual consciousness, and the endless soul power spread outward.

Di Kongxuan silently looked in another direction, and said in a deep voice, "Don't waste your efforts, look over there."

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, his scalp felt numb all of a sudden, a huge human face grew out of a soundless wind, and he opened his bloody mouth, biting the two of them headfirst!
In desperation, Duanmu Yi stretched out his hand to the side, wanting to grab Di Kongxuan, but unexpectedly, he was in vain!


The wind, which seemed silent on the surface, turned out to be extremely violent in the eyes of the wind, blowing her eyes so hard that her mouth was almost suffocated.

The gust of wind came and went quickly. When Duanmuyi landed, he subconsciously tidied up his messy hair.

Looking up, there is no underwater palace. The scene in front of me is very familiar, it turned out to be the Pagoda.

She fought Jiang Wuya last year, it was in this pagoda, and the weird Nianhua pagoda is still fresh in her memory.

But it seems that this is the only way left to go.

Duanmuyi was bold and careful, and released the spirit fire of the domain, spreading the power of the domain one foot away from her body, and then walked towards the pagoda.

Pushing the door open, the scene on the first floor still maintains her appearance after the game.

(End of this chapter)

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