Chapter 1789

There was no one to clean up the mess all over the place, and the Nianhua Stupa had returned to its place, and it was still watching those who entered the door benevolently.

Duanmuyi looked around but didn't see anyone, so he went straight to the second floor.

It stands to reason that if Di Kongxuan was with her, even if they were swept away by that gust of wind, they would not be too far away.There is only one pagoda here, and he will definitely come over when he sees it.

The pool of blood at the stairs on the second floor had turned dark black, congealed on the wooden floor.

Duanmuyi saw two corpses here, they were two of those people who were traveling together.She checked the wound on the body and knew it was done by someone.

What's going on here, and why do fellow travelers kill each other?

Duanmuyi raised his head to look at the Buddha statue on the altar.

It is a multi-eyed Buddha with six eyes on its face, but it also has a gentle smile, and it looks weird no matter how it is combined.

"Mother!" Didudu's voice suddenly came from behind.

Duanmuyi was startled, turned his head to look, Didudu was running over from the stairs, and asked with a blank face, "Where is this?"

"Why did you come here?!" Duanmuyi immediately got up and pulled him aside, "What's going on? Are you injured?"

Di Dudu shook his head, looked around and asked, "Mother, what's going on?"

"I don't know..." Duanmuyi suddenly felt that something was wrong, she glanced at the Duomu Buddha, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in her mind.

She pushed Di Dudu away: "You are not Dudu, who are you!"

Di Dudu looked at her blankly, and said aggrievedly: "I am Dudu, mother, what's wrong with you?"

"My son has grown a lot in the past year, but you still look like a child, who is it?" Duanmuyi said coldly, "Is it the illusion of the multi-eyed Buddha? Or is someone pretending to be a ghost?"

The figure of the child turned into fragments and disappeared, and on the altar, the multi-eyed stupa suddenly let out a strange laugh.

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, but felt dizzy.

One of the six eyes radiated blood-red light, Duanmuyi's sea of ​​consciousness was slightly turbulent, and the white waves rolled.She let out a muffled snort, and the Yuan Tai suddenly emitted a warm glow in her sea of ​​consciousness, and the turmoil in the sea of ​​consciousness returned to calm after a moment.

"Hehe..." Multi-eyed Buddha didn't seem to think that she could resist, and the other five eyes also emitted red light at the same time.

Duanmuyi gritted her teeth and got up, but suddenly there was a gust of wind behind her head, all her attention was on the Duomu Stupa, and she passed out before she could react in time.

Those who can sneak attack her must be at the peak of the late Huashen stage, or even the Mahayana stage.

who is it?

Before she fell into a coma, a piece of jade-white clothes flashed before her eyes. The fabric was soft and smooth, with a light fragrance.

The man turned his head and glanced at the multi-eyed pagoda on the altar, and snorted softly: "I really don't know the meaning of this pagoda..."

After all, with a wave of his sleeves, the multi-eyed pagoda was shattered into pieces.

The man walked out of the Stupa with Duanmu Yi in his arms, and disappeared here in an instant.

"Ayi, wake up..."


"Xiaoyi, wake up!"

very noisy!

Duanmuyi frowned slightly, and then gradually regained her consciousness. The pain in her chest made her moan uncontrollably, and her whole body shivered instantly, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

Surrounding her were all acquaintances, she was leaning against Di Kongxuan's arms, in front of her were the three people from Shuyinglou, not far away was Yue Rushuang, and Lan Yao was also there.

(End of this chapter)

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