Chapter 1795

Becoming a first-level spiritual pharmacist certified by the Alchemy Department indicated that she would have another gold medal for avoiding death.In the entire Xuanye Continent, there are only a handful of first-level alchemists, and most of them are reclusive masters, who rarely make a move.

Duanmu didn't worry that no one would ask her to make medicine.

Once someone asks her, it means that those people and the power behind those people will become her umbrella.

At this point, it is not so easy for people from all major tribes to move her.

"That Elder Mo just now is from the Mo tribe?" Duanmu asked.

Yu Tingsong nodded, and explained gently: "The Moyue Clan is a huge family with countless branches, and Mo Lao's family is one of the branches. It's just that the family fell apart decades ago and failed to get the support of the family, so they separated. Later, Mo Lao met my father, and because of his outstanding soul power, he joined the Alchemy Division."

Duanmuyi nodded to express his understanding.

"It's not far from the market, since we're here, do you want to take a stroll?" Yu Tingsong asked.

Duanmuyi looked at the time, it was indeed early, so he agreed, went to the market to buy a lot of things to put into the spirit ring, and returned to the academy just after night fell.

As soon as he entered the Shu studio, he was keenly aware that the atmosphere was not right.

She yelled a few times, but no one answered her, and went back to her room in doubt. As soon as the clinker entered the door, someone pressed it against the door, a shadow fell in front of her, her lips felt hot, and she was eaten firmly. I ordered a tofu.

"Hmm -" Duanmuyi saw the person in front of him clearly, his tense body relaxed, he put his arms around him, and muttered, "Scare me."

Di Kongxuan was not willing to let her go, and pressed her forehead and asked, "Didn't you say that you are going to be certified as a pharmacist? Why have you been here for so long?"

"We went shopping for a while." Duanmuyi said.

"With whom? That guy?" Di Kongxuan snorted coldly.

Duanmuyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What about that guy, can you respect him?"

Di Kongxuan stared at her: "Why should I respect a man with an evil heart?"

"..." Duanmuyi decided not to argue with a jealous man.

She pushed him away, walked to the table, took out the contents of the spirit ring, and sorted them one by one.

Di Kongxuan leaned against the door and said coldly: "I'm jealous, don't you plan to say something?"

Duanmuyi looked at him with his chin up, showing a coquettish smile: "Husband, come and kiss."

Di Kongxuan was silent.

Duanmu remained silent.

The night is dark and the candles are dancing.

After a while, Duanmuyi coughed dryly: "Then what..."

"You asked for it yourself." Di Kongxuan interrupted her, and extinguished the candle with a wave of his hand. Duanmuyi's eyes darkened, and he was picked up by him and thrown onto the bed.

Duanmuyi was dazed for a moment, felt the man's body covering him, and said in a low voice, "Hey, I'm just kidding."

"I'm not." Di Kongxuan's eyes shone faintly in the darkness, as bright as stars.

He has the familiar smell of Duanmu, which hasn't changed since the first meeting, even when she was Xin Ruqing in the previous life, it hasn't changed.

In the past, she thought that Di Kongxuan was a monstrous and heartless person, and he had never felt pity for women, but then she gradually understood that his deep affection belonged to only one woman from beginning to end.

That's her.

Di Kongxuan asked her seriously: "Is it possible?"

Duanmuyi raised her hand to hook his neck, pulling him towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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