Chapter 1796

Outside the Shuying Building, Di Dudu squatted at the door, holding his chin, and asked the people around him, "Why didn't you go in? I saw Uncle Yu just now, and he said that my mother bought me a lot of presents."

Sitting on the steps, Lan Tingrui taught solemnly: "It's rare for your father to lose control, you must give him a chance."

Didudu looked at her innocently, expressing that he didn't understand.

Lan Tingrui didn't feel that there was anything wrong with teaching the children this way, and she still wanted to talk, but Shen Muxu who was next to her couldn't listen anymore, so she quickly pulled Di Dudu up.

"Okay, how about my sisters taking you overnight?"

Di Dudu's eyes lit up: "I'm going to the bar!"

"No." A man dressed in white came not far away, and a noble man circled around the door, put Di Dudu's hand under his armpit without touching the ground, and floated away again.

Di Dudu thumped twice: "Godfather! I'm going to the bar!"

Yue Rushuang chuckled: "You still want to go to the bar with your drinking capacity? Go back to my place. When you can beat me in drinking, I will agree with you to go to the bar."

Di Dudu: "..."

Woooooo bullying!

As if thinking of something, Yue Rushuang turned her head and looked at the three of them again, and said lightly, "Let's come together."

"Yeah!" The three girls clapped their hands happily.

Compared to going to a bar, being able to hang out all night with the young master of the Qingyue Clan, the number one rich man in the whole continent, is obviously more attractive.

When Duanmuyi woke up the next day, he was still in a daze. He wanted to turn over, but was held down by an arm.The man behind rubbed her shoulder and kissed her lightly: "It's still early, sleep a little longer."

"It's getting late, it's time to worry about going to sleep again." Duanmu thought to get up.

Last night, Di Dudu was stopped outside the Shuying Building, so she could naturally sense it with her soul power.It's just that he was burned with lust for a while, so he didn't care about that much.

Looking back now, it's a bit embarrassing.

Even when he was in the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm or the Jialan Clan, he was never so helpless.

Di Kongxuan muttered: "Let him go in a hurry, the brat dares to turn against the heavens..."

Although his memory is blank, his body's reaction is the most deceiving. The joy of last night made him vaguely remember something. Although it is very vague, it is not a small gain.

It's just not complete, and he didn't want to make Duanmu Yikong happy, so he didn't say anything.

Just rubbing against her body again.

Duanmuyi moved his waist, but couldn't avoid it, so he blushed and said: "The plan of the day is in the morning, so don't make trouble."

"Exactly, the day's plan lies in the morning." Di Kongxuan smiled muffled, and pressed her under him with his backhand, "That's why we should cherish it."

The two of them messed around in the room until noon before they washed up and went out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I got downstairs, I saw three embarrassing faces in the living room.

Bai Tuantuan's face turned red first, subconsciously waved his hands and said, "We didn't hear anything..."

Lan Tingrui supported her forehead... Tuantuan, aren't you calling yourself out?

Duanmuyi was also very embarrassed, and gave Di Kongxuan a hard look, blaming him for not being satisfied, pestering her to ask for it again and again, if not for that, he wouldn't have been blocked by his roommates.

The man who was full of food and drink smiled softly and peacefully, as if I were very calm according to how you look at it.

"Ahem..." Shen Muxu said, "Are you hungry? We just packed some food from Jinshiju, how about warming it up for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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