Chapter 1797

Duanmu said pretending to be calm: "No need, let's go out to eat."

So the two walked out of Shuying Building under their strange and harmonious eyes.

Duanmuyi grabbed Dikongxuan's waist, gritted his teeth and said, "It's all your fault!"

Di Kongxuan held her hand and said contentedly, "They are jealous of you."

Jealous of you MB.

The two first went to Yue Rushuang to pick up Di Dudu, and the family of three found another restaurant for dinner.

Di Dudu poked at the food on the plate, hesitant to speak.

"Eat well." Duanmuyi knocked on his forehead, "Say what you want to say, don't act like you can't hold shit."

Di Kongxuan and Di Dudu: "..."

Does this sound like something to say at the dinner table? !

"That..." Di Dudu asked mysteriously, "Godfather said, you want to give me a little brother, is it true?"

Duanmuyi spat out a mouthful of rice, but luckily blocked it with his sleeve.

She pounded the table in grief and anger - she and Yue Rushuang never finished!

But Di Kongxuan asked solemnly: "Do you like it?"

Di Dudu pawed at the rice and said, "It's actually better to have a younger sister."

"Shut up all of you." Duanmu Yi almost turned the table over.

The news that Duanmuyi became a first-class alchemist was quickly spread by the Alchemy Division. In the next few days, children from various families came to inquire about the news in an endless stream, and Shuyinglou was full of people.

Duanmuyi released the news that there are three conditions for refining medicine by himself.

First, prepare your own materials.

Second, prepare your own prescription.

Third, her family must not be her enemy.

Other than that, no money will be taken.

For any elixir that needs to be refined by a dynamic pharmacist, the materials needed must be precious, and even some prescriptions are secrets that are not passed on.The first two conditions alone have turned away most of the people, and with the last one, those aristocratic families began to hesitate even more.

One side is the temptation of pure blood and ancient beasts, and the other side is the favor of a talented first-level alchemist, just like the two ends of a balance, with the same weight.

While everyone was still on the sidelines, Di Kongxuan joined the outside law enforcement team of Xuanye College.

The law enforcement team is divided into internal and external parts. The internal law enforcement team is in charge of all order in the college, and Di Mingkun is the captain.The foreign law enforcement team is mainly responsible for leading the team to hunt monsters and obtain monster pills, furs, precious medicinal materials, etc. It is an essential team to support the operation of the college.

The original leader of the foreign law enforcement team was an outstanding casual cultivator, whose cultivation base was at the middle level of the transformation stage, and had rich practical experience. He led the team into various virgin forests, deep mountains and great swamps, and obtained countless treasures. However, he went out to perform a mission a while ago At that time, he encountered an accident and fell.

A generation of strong men, no bones left.

Hearing that Di Kongxuan has become the new captain of the foreign law enforcement team, Duanmuyi didn't sleep well all night.

When he saw Di Kongxuan the next day, he was taken aback: "It's common for cultivators to stay awake for more than ten days. Why are your eyes bruised and swollen because you haven't slept all night?"

Duanmuyi yawned: "The non-sleeping is because it can absorb the aura of heaven and earth, so the altar is naturally clear. I couldn't sleep well last night, and I couldn't concentrate on my cultivation. After all, I'm a mortal body, so I naturally became like this."

"Sleep here for a while?" Di Kongxuan pointed to the couch beside him.

Duanmuyi waved his hand: "Don't interrupt, why did you suddenly decide to join the law enforcement team?"

(End of this chapter)

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