Chapter 1801

Duanmuyi nodded and left, before taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and wanted to say something, but met his lonely expression, which was too late to hide.

She was taken aback, not knowing how to react for a moment.

On the contrary, Yu Tingsong came back to his senses first, quickly cleaned up his face, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Ah..." Duan Muyi handed over a note, "Please register me in the Seventh Office of the Alchemy Division, and accept the order as a first-rank alchemist, and the rules will follow your Alchemy Division's rules."

Yu Tingsong unfolded the note, and there were two words written on it: Xiao Yi.

It appears that this is her pseudonym.

He smiled slightly, and said calmly and calmly, "It's a matter of little effort."

Duanmuyi left in a hurry, she really wanted to say something to Yutingsong, but she knew that if she hesitated at this moment, she would give Yutingsong some unrealistic ideas.

It is best for them to cut the mess quickly and maintain the relationship between the two at the stage of friends.

As everyone knows, the interaction between the two was noticed by Hua Guirong who was not far away. One of them was in a state of confusion, and the other left in a hurry, neither of them noticed Hua Guirong.

Hua Guirong sneered, "Just because you want to have something to do with Di Kongxuan?"

For a month, Duanmuyi spent time in refining medicine. After she was listed in the seven places under Xiaoyi's name, the orders kept coming in, and they were all common pills of the first and second grades. Although the grade was low, But the quantity is large, so it also made a lot of money.

Lan Tingrui squatted aside to pack these bottles and cans for her, and couldn't help complaining: "I mean, are you so short of money?"

Duanmuyi coughed dryly: "What, who would think that money is too much? Anyway, it's just practiced casually, it doesn't take much effort, and it can also condense my alchemy skills, so why not do it."

Lan Tingrui was speechless.

However, she also knew that although Duanmuyi was a descendant of the Duanmu family of the Shengling clan, he had always been alone and had no relationship with the Duanmu family, so it was normal for him to be in financial difficulty.

After earning money, Duanmu happily invited his friends to have a meal together, and booked in Jinshiju.

Di Dudu brought Yue Rushuang here, and as soon as Yue Rushuang came, Chen Yuan also appeared, and the "grandfather" Duan Muyue and Yu Tingsong who hadn't seen for a long time were also there, plus three girlfriends and roommates, the seat was full. A large table was set up.

"I heard that this meal is a treat for Miss Duanmu?" Yue Rushuang asked.

Duanmuyi always felt that he had bad intentions.

Sure enough, in the next second, Yue Rushuang began to report the name of the dishes, picking expensive and delicate ones, and she was not polite at all, she almost ordered all the signature dishes.

Duanmuyi's forehead twitched slightly.

Lan Tingrui said that enough was enough.

"No, buddy, wait." Duanmuyi smiled and stopped the buddy who was about to leave, ordered another seven or eight dishes, and ordered two jugs of wine.

The guy saw that his young master was there, so he kindly reminded: "Girl, I'm afraid you won't be able to finish all the food."

"It doesn't matter, what this young master ordered just now was eaten by him alone, and it has nothing to do with us. Please serve the ones I ordered as soon as possible." Duanmu smiled.

The crowd burst into laughter.

Not long after, the dishes were served one by one, and the ones that Yue Rushuang ordered were placed in front of him. Looking at the dishes piled up in front of him, he suddenly lost his appetite.

Duanmuyi looked at him...

(End of this chapter)

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