Chapter 1802

Duanmu smiled and said: "Ah, Mr. Yue, it's shameful to waste it."

"Man, please excuse me." Yue Rushuang waved her hand and said, "Take these dishes to the table by the window on the first floor for the girl in the yellow dress. By the way, tell her that she is the most beautiful tonight." Miss, this is a gift from Master Ben."

Rao is a well-informed guy, and he has never seen such a thick-skinned person.

Everyone at the same table laughed wildly, it was so funny.

The girl in the yellow skirt looked at the delicacies on the table, and couldn't help but look up. Yue Rushuang lazily opened the fan, and flirted with her gracefully.

The girl blushed and slipped away without taking a bite of the dishes.

Yue Rushuang sighed: "The little girl is so boring now."

Di Dudu gnawed on the chicken leg, and said, "It's not that the little girl is bored, it's that godfather, you are too coquettish."

After finishing speaking, he saw a murderous look from the side, Di Dudu's hand trembled, and the chicken leg fell to the ground.

He turned his head and pulled out a smile: "Mother..."

Woooooo, mother's eyes are so scary, he wants to change positions!
"Go back and copy the "Rules" ten times." Duanmu smiled.

She secretly made a decision in her heart, starting today, she will take Di Dudu to live with her, and she must never let him mix with Yue Rushuang again.

After drinking for three rounds, Duanmuyi got up and went to a hut, when he came back, Chenyuan left beforehand, Didudu secretly drank two glasses of wine, and slept soundly on the edge of Yue Rushuang's legs.

Duanmuyi picked up the wine glass on the table and looked at Yue Rushuang: "Young Master Yue, I would like to offer you a toast, and thank you for raising my son so well."

Yue Rushuang smiled lazily, raised her glasses and touched each other: "You're welcome."

"..." Duan Muyi kicked Di Dudu, seeing him turn over and hug Yue Rushuang's waist tightly, he felt itchy with hatred.

Yue Rushuang finished drinking the wine in her hand, got up with Di Dudu in her arms, took two steps, and turned her head, "Do you want to take him back?"

Duanmuyi took a deep breath and smiled: "Then Mr. Lao Yue will take care of you for a few more days."

After the two walked out of the room, Duanmuyi saw that the villain lying on Yue Rushuang's shoulders opened his eyes and smiled at her like a fox.

She felt annoyed and funny, this little brat was as evil as his father.

After the banquet was over, Lan Tingrui didn't enjoy drinking enough, she yelled to go to the bar, but with the support of Shen Muxu and Bai Tuantuan, the three insisted on dragging Duanmuyi to go again.

Duanmuyi doesn't like that kind of noisy place, but these days her alchemy skills have improved a lot, and she's made a lot of money, and she's in a good mood, so she decided to go together.

Yu Tingsong was afraid that the four girls would be unsafe, so he took the initiative to follow.

Knowing that Duanmuyi didn't like things that were too noisy, Lan Tingrui chose a secluded bar that wasn't so lively, and the five of them chose a corner booth and ordered drinks.

Yu Tingsong's face is a sign in Xuan Ye College, seeing him here, many usually timid girls came over.

"Teacher Yu, I offer you a toast..."

"Teacher Yu, I am very interested in refining medicine, do you think I am suitable..."

Duanmuyi looked at the girl who asked if she was suitable, and said that she was about to lean on Yu Tingsong's body. Yu Tingsong looked embarrassed and looked to the four of them for help.

Shen Muxu got up quickly, sat down next to Yu Tingsong, and put her hands on his shoulders...

(End of this chapter)

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