Chapter 1814

"Miss Duanmu is very lucky. She has been favored by you at a young age." He blurted out with anger.

Di Kongxuan supported his chin with one hand, leaned on the back of the chair, and said lazily: "This is wrong. It is my good fortune to be able to marry her."

Jiang Shao frowned: "What did you say? Marry?"

Everyone's eyes widened.

"There is nothing else, please go back. After my wife wakes up, I will accompany her to meet Mo Chengyu." Di Kongxuan ignored him, and issued an order to evict the guest.

These people knew that today must be a bad day, they looked at each other, and they left the door in twos and threes.

Jiang Shao didn't leave, he was silent for a long time, and suddenly laughed.

"I do not believe."

He didn't say that he didn't believe in anything, he just turned around and left after saying this, as if he had relieved some psychological burden.

Di Kongxuan frowned, and after all these people had withdrawn from the Purple Bamboo Courtyard, he waved his hand and directly set up a big ban, covering the entire Purple Bamboo Courtyard.

Jiang Shao looked back and clenched his fists.

After these people left, Lan Yao, who was huddled in the corner, came out wiping cold sweat, and let out a sigh of relief: "Brother Kongxuan, why is Young Master Jiang so weird?"

Di Kongxuan snorted coldly, but did not answer.

Lan Yao leaned forward and asked with lingering fear: "Brother Kongxuan, if you just killed Mo Ziwei, the Mo family won't let you go..."

"Even if I don't do anything, how can the Mo family get along with me?" Dikong's eyes turned cold, "Do you think the Mo family didn't intervene behind this incident?"

Lan Yao was at a loss.

Di Kongxuan didn't explain too much, in his opinion, it's best for Lan Yao to know nothing, so that he can stay out of the matter.

The more you know, the more dangerous it is.

"Then what..." Lan Yao paused, then asked again, "You and Miss Duanmu are really engaged?"

Di Kongxuan corrected him: "It's not engagement, it's marriage."

Lan Yao's eyes widened: "What, when..."

"When we were in the Lower Realm Continent." Di Kongxuan simply answered, got up and went upstairs, "Don't disturb us."

Lan Yao hurriedly nodded.

"Hey, you—" he reminded in a low voice, "your braid."

Di Kongxuan turned his hand and touched the braided braid, and his face twisted suddenly.After a while, he calmly untied his braids, tied up his hair casually, and went back to the room.

When Duanmuyi woke up, it was already nightfall.

She was in a deep sleep, and she didn't know what was going on outside because she had set up a soundproof barrier.

He turned over and slipped into Dikongxuan's arms.

Di Kongxuan hugged her, his voice was hoarse and sleepy: "Are you hungry?"

"Fortunately, if you are sleepy, you can sleep for a while." Duan Muyi raised his head, touched his Adam's apple, and licked it mischievously.

Di Kongxuan's body stiffened slightly, and he immediately grabbed her hand.

Duanmuyi sensitively noticed that there was another reaction in that part of him.

"Don't make trouble." Di Kongxuan knew that she was tired of being tossed and tossed by him during the day, and wanted to let her go, but she was in his arms, and she was reluctant to push away. Get into the nasal cavity, deadlier than the strongest aphrodisiac.

Unable to restrain himself, he simply bowed his head and kissed her lightly.

Duanmuyi took a breath and opened his lips to respond.

By the time the two packed up and went downstairs, it was already late at night.Except for this time...

(End of this chapter)

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