Chapter 1815

The bar, and no other shops were open.

Both of them were already hungry, Duanmuyi glared at Di Kongxuan: "It's all your fault, for being so unrestrained."

Di Kongxuan laughed in a muffled voice: "Yes, it's because I don't know how to restrain myself, and I'm tired of my wife."

Duanmuyi's face was still red.

"Xiao Biesheng is newly married, Madam please forgive me." Di Kongxuan was in a good mood.

"I'm starving to death." Duanmuyi snorted.

Di Kongxuan dragged her to the small kitchen, took out flour and eggs: "Let's bake some pancakes, okay?"

Duanmu thought that he really rolled up his sleeves and wanted to make noodles, so he sat down beside him.

It was the same way when I was in retreat in Shanhai Lingyu before. Occasionally she cooks a few dishes, and occasionally he cooks some pasta for eating. It is also a sweet memory.

"Di Kongxuan, you are in the law enforcement team today, what happened afterwards?"

"It's just the death of Hua Gui Rong, there is no evidence, and the second brother is just trying to scare you. Now that you know that you and I are married, I won't make things difficult for you anymore." Di Kongxuan reconciled, while answering.

Duanmuyi sat on the stove, shaking his feet nondescriptly, and said softly: "It is true that I killed the person."

Di Kongxuan raised his eyes to look at her, and smiled: "Yes, I know."

Not only did he know that Hua Guirong was killed by her, he also knew that the cause of the incident was that someone murdered Shen Muxu and Yu Tingsong.

Since he admitted to the academy, his personality has become much smoother, but if someone dares to offend his lover, he will kill himself.

He briefly talked about the incident that Jiang Shao brought people to make trouble in the afternoon, including the signature of the vice president on the transfer order of the student union.

"You don't need to come forward for the following matters. Since outsiders know that you are my wife, you can leave all your affairs to me, and no one dares to say anything wrong." Di Kongxuan said arrogantly.

Duanmuyi likes to see him look like no one in his eyes, he is full of vigor, he is a unparalleled strong man in the world.

"I'm very happy to hear your words. However, husband and wife are one, how can I let you face it alone?" She jumped off the stove, walked around behind Di Kongxuan, and hugged his waist, "Those people , can’t help me.”

Di Kongxuan raised his hand and touched her face.

The white flour stuck to the side of her face, making her look cute.

Duanmu glared at him intently.

Di Kongxuan calmly said: "I haven't settled the account with you yet."

"..." Duanmuyi realized that his hair was tied up, and she wanted to laugh when she thought that he would go down to meet guests in braids in the afternoon.

Seeing this scene, the group of people should be shocked, right?

After eating supper, it was already dawn.

The two of them didn't go back to sleep, they each found a place to meditate in the room, and waited until the third quarter of Yin time, got up and went out.

The class time for the students of the academy starts at a quarter past quarter of [-]:[-], but the student union opens at [-]:[-] pm.

Mo Chengyu has always been a strict punctual person, so when he came to the student union building on time and saw the two flirting under the tree, he was also taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, he walked forward with a cold expression, and said slightly mockingly: "You two came early."

Duanmuyi smiled and said nothing, Dikongxuan said vigorously: "Fortunately, go to bed early and get up early to refresh yourself."

Mo Chengyu asked someone to notify the vice president, and then said: "The student union can no longer control your affairs, please ask the vice president and..."

(End of this chapter)

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