Chapter 1838

"It's from the Baicao Clan. It's named Yu Qianyin, and it's a third-level alchemist. I was also worried about your health, the patriarch, so I brought him here. I wanted to take a look for you."

"Hmm..." Lan Zhou was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "Yao'er."

Lan Yao hurriedly got up and stepped forward, supported his arm and replied: "Father, please tell me."

"The Great Elder violated the clan rules, colluded with the thieves of other clans, led troops into the patriarch's residence privately, and gave him three whips, and you will execute them on behalf of your father." Lan Zhou said lightly.

Duanmuyi couldn't help saying hello in his heart.

She had just woken up Lan Zhou when she heard a fight outside. Di Kongxuan seemed to be really angry, and even aroused the vision of heaven and earth.

As a result, Lan Zhou, who just woke up, asked her to help him out without saying a word.She thought that he, a sick body that had just recovered, would at most frighten the Great Elder, but she didn't expect that his attack would be a thunderbolt.

At this time, it is an excellent opportunity for Lan Yao to make a move.

Lan Yin thought he had heard it wrong, and looked up in amazement, only to see that Lan Zhou's tactic changed, and the formation in the yard shrank for a while, turning into a law, imprisoning him in place.

He thought that Lan Zhou would be concerned about his status as the Great Elder, so he would lightly expose the matter; or Lan Zhou would do it himself, punishing the small and the big, but with his current body, it would be very easy to support the sea-covering whip. Not bad...

Unexpectedly, Lan Zhou would let a junior come to execute his punishment!

"Patriarch, I am the Great Elder after all!" Lan Yin said with gloomy eyes.

Lan Zhou glanced at him and hummed: "Yes, but I am the patriarch."

Although Lan Yao had the courage to confront Lan Yin, she might not have the courage to directly give him three whips in public.

One lash of the sea-covering whip can injure the soul, and three lashes is already an extremely severe punishment. The victim can't even heal the wound within a month.

"Father..." Lan Yao whispered, "Baby, baby..."

"Go." Lan Zhou refused to comment.

Lan Yao pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and stood in front of Lan Yin.Seeing this great elder who had always been ambitious, and then remembering that he had locked his father here before and not allowed him to bring people for medical treatment, a feeling of helplessness arose in his heart.

Lan Zhou stuffed the ring representing the patriarch into his hand, Lan Yao put it on slowly, then raised her hand to take over the control of the sea whip.

His cultivation base is much stronger than that of Lan Zhou who has just recovered from serious injuries. At this time, the sea-covering whip is under his control. When it falls, it seems to make the sound of waves hitting the shore. After a short sound, it lands heavily on the ground. Lan Yin's body is like a giant wave, which can smash gold!

With just one whip, Lan Yin's complexion was completely pale, blood was spilled from the corner of his mouth, his shoulders were ripped apart, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

Everyone in the courtyard was silent.

Lan Yao took a whip, and seemed to have some courage, and then the second and third whips fell, landing on Lan Yin's back and legs respectively.

After the three whips were over, he took away the sea whip, took off the ring, turned around and handed it to Lan Zhou: "Father, the punishment is over."

"You keep it." Lan Zhou said lightly, turned around and went back to the room, declined Duan Muyi's support, and closed the door by himself.

Lan Yin had already stood up with the support of her subordinates, her eyes fell on the ring in Lan Yao's hand, she snorted coldly, and led the people to evacuate.

(End of this chapter)

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