Chapter 1839

Lan Yao held the ring in her hand and stood there in a daze.

Duanmuyi stepped forward and said, "Why don't you go to the kitchen and get some porridge, the clan leader Lanzhou must be hungry."

Lan Yao nodded quickly, hid the ring properly, and ran towards the kitchen.

Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan walked out of the yard side by side and stretched.

"Hey, this night is really tiring." Duanmuyi loosened his shoulders and said meaningfully, "This time, the Canghai Clan is in a mess."

Looking at the night in front of him, Di Kongxuan said slowly, "No, the whole continent is going to be in chaos."

It was early morning when I returned to my room, and I didn't have much time to sleep, so Duanmuyi simply stopped sleeping, sat cross-legged and began to practice.

She had just performed the soul summoning technique, and it was easier than she imagined, presumably because her soul power had reached the mustard level, so those soul spells that seemed esoteric and obscure to outsiders were easy for her to use.

In this way, she can also prepare to practice some more profound soul art.

But now she is still tempering her spiritual power step by step. After these days of practice, her spiritual power has begun to stabilize in the late stage of transformation, but she suffers from the lack of more suitable and advanced exercises, so she always has less means in battle.

Reminiscent of the sea-covering whip that Lan Yao cast in the yard just now, when the whip fell, there was the sound of the sea tide, and it was accompanied by a certain degree of spiritual attack. When it fell on the person, it was like a huge wave beating, with great power.

Perhaps, she can also learn from it and combine her wood-type spiritual power with the natural world more deeply to create a powerful attacking technique.

After a night of practice, when Duanmuyi woke up from the samadhi, the sun was already hanging high.

She has already made some small gains, and with a little more time, she must be able to successfully create a kung fu.

I went out happily and found my friends in the dining room.

Bai Tuantuan waved at her: "I wanted to call you just now, but I found you were still meditating, so I didn't bother you. Come and eat, there's a meal left for you."

Duanmuyi sat down, took a sip of porridge, and asked while eating, "Why didn't you see Teacher Yu and the others?"

"I was called away by Uncle Wei early in the morning, saying that the patriarch of Lanzhou wanted to see them." Shen Muxu said, "I wanted to call you too, but I heard that you were still meditating, so I told you to come back after breakfast after waking up." past."

Duanmu wiped away the remnants of food on the table, hurried out the door, and rushed towards the patriarch's yard.

Just as I was walking to the door, I heard a lazy voice from inside: " sister should worry about it, just send a letter. It will take a long time to go back and forth. I still have to worry about it." Didn't rest well."

For a moment, no one spoke in the room.

I don't think it was expected that this person was so tired and mediocre.

After a long time, Lan Yao just choked out a sentence: "After all, the Qingyue Clan controls the transportation hub, the most important thing is that there must be no accident..."

"Well, yes, this young master is the hope of the Qingyue Clan, so nothing can happen." Yue Rushuang said shamelessly.

Duanmuyi pushed the door in and said with a smile: "If you talk about the Qingyue Clan's desire to eat, drink, have fun and enjoy life, Mr. Yue is the well-deserved No. 1, so naturally nothing can happen."

Yue Rushuang glanced at her, shrank and did not speak.

Duanmuyi said again: "It's fine if Young Master Yue doesn't go back, but my son is still being fostered by you in the Qingyue Clan, if..."

(End of this chapter)

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