Chapter 1840

"My son has an accident, Mr. Yue must be careful, after all, you should know how difficult a woman is to deal with."

As soon as Di Dudu was mentioned, Yue Rushuang's carefree look faded a bit.

He said: "Since he is my godson, my sister will naturally protect him."

When I first came here, I was worried that the Canghai Clan would be too chaotic, so I entrusted Didudu to Qingyue for protection, but now if the entire continent is in chaos, the strength of the Qingyue Clan is not worth mentioning, can Didudu really be safe? ?

After a moment of silence, Yue Rushuang said: "It's not impossible to go back, it's just that the journey is lonely, and I'm not used to not being served by anyone."

Seeing that he was willing to let go, Lan Zhou also breathed a sigh of relief, first nodded to Duanmuyi, and asked her to sit down, and then said: "That's easy, the Canghai tribe still has many beautiful maids, both human and monster tribes, Mr. Yue Yue What kind do you like?"

Yue Rushuang rubbed her chin and said: "Lan Tingrui is not bad, she was very happy to serve me before."

Except for Lan Zhou, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. After a while, they seemed to understand something, and at the same time showed their original expressions.

Lan Zhou frowned, a little displeased: "Ruirui is my niece, and she is a very innocent girl, Mr. Yue's words are really inappropriate..."

Before he could speak, Lan Yao beside him had already stretched his head and whispered a few words in his ear.

After hearing his words, Lan Zhou's brows loosened immediately.

"Hahaha, since Nephew Yuexian is interested in our family Ruirui, the old man is naturally happy to see it come true. Yao'er, go to the third elder's place later and bring your sister back." Lan Zhou ordered lightly.

Lan Yao responded immediately.

At this time, Duanmu Yi had time to interject, and quickly asked: "I was not here just now, but what did I miss? Patriarch, do you know who did it?"

Lan Zhou shook his head.

Di Kongxuan said: "The sneak attacker can't see the moves of the exercises clearly, and hides his head and shows his tail, but he obviously has the strength of the Mahayana stage."

"There are not many Mahayana students in the whole mainland, right?" Duanmuyi said in shock, "Could it be—"

She was about to blurt out the words of the Mo clan, but Di Kongxuan pressed the back of his hand indiscriminately.

Di Kongxuan said: "The strength of the Mahayana stage does not necessarily mean the cultivation of the Mahayana stage. There are many secret methods in Xuanye Continent, which can temporarily increase strength, or any magic weapon can also make people exert a certain power."

Duanmuyi knew that he had some scruples, so he didn't say any more.

Lan Zhou sighed and said, "That man's original intention was not to kill me, but for something."

He touched his finger, and there were obvious signs of wearing a ring on the index finger of his left hand. He touched it around, with a heavy expression.

"Is it a ring?" Duanmu Yi asked.

Lan Yao quickly took out the ring representing the identity of the patriarch and handed it to him.

But he waved his hand: "Not this one."

Lan Yao suddenly realized: "Which spirit ring is it?!"

"Master Yu, do you know the agreement behind the seven major tribes?" Lan Zhou raised his eyes and looked at Yu Tingsong.

Yu Tingsong, who had been silent all this time, raised his head, thought for a while, and replied gently: "I have heard about it, but my father hasn't told me all about it, I only heard that it is related to a peace agreement in Xuanye Continent 5000 years ago. "

Lan Zhou hummed and said, "5000 years ago, the ancestors of all ethnic groups made an agreement together..."

(End of this chapter)

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