Chapter 1841

"The Dijiang Clan is in charge of guarding the Xuanye Valley. Each of the seven major tribes is in charge of a key to the inner valley. When the Xuanye Continent encounters a major crisis, they will gather all seven keys to open the inner valley of the Xuanye Valley and obtain the huge treasure inside. "

"What is Xuanye Valley?" Duanmu asked.

"Xuanye Valley is the place where the patriarchs and powerhouses of the past in Xuanye Continent fell. All these people who fell will eventually have their names engraved on the valley tablet of Xuanye Valley." Yu Tingsong knows these things well, " According to the book, more than 1000 years ago, there was a great chaos in the mainland, and he was rescued by a mysterious strong man. Then the strong man fell, and the seven tribes opened the inner valley, and sent the remains of the strong man into the inner valley. buried in the middle."

Lan Zhou nodded: "Yes, this is the most recent record of opening a valley."

Duanmuyi thought silently, it seems that the ultimate goal of the person behind the scenes is to obtain the seven keys to open the inner valley?
Coming out of Lanzhou's room, everyone looked solemn.

Lan Zhou's lost spirit ring was like the first key to open the magic box of disaster. Everyone present seemed to have seen the bloody storm that was coming in the future.

Lan Yao didn't have time to talk, and took someone to pick up Lan Tingrui first.

In addition to Yue Rushuang going back to Qingyue Clan to report the news, Yu Tingsong also went back to Baicao Clan to inform the clan about this matter.But Di Kongxuan and Duanmuyi wanted to follow the route of the Canghai Clan, all the way to the northwest, passing the news to the Shensha Clan, Shengling Clan and Dijiang Clan along the way.

Shen Muxu chooses to go back with Yu Tingsong, while Bai Tuantuan and Duan Muyi will stay together in the Shensha clan, and will serve as Chen Yuan's messenger to settle matters within the clan.

After more than half an hour, Lan Yao and Lan Tingrui walked in together.

Seeing her come back safe and sound, both Bai Tuantuan and Shen Muxu rushed forward excitedly, and the three of them hugged together, crying and laughing.

Lan Tingrui looked good, looked around the room, but she didn't see the person she wanted to see, she curled her lips in disappointment.

Duan Muyi stepped forward to hug her, and whispered in her ear: "I'm packing up things in the room, he called you to take you away."

Lan Tingrui's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Thank you!" She turned around and ran towards a guest room, ignoring greetings to the others.

I don't know what she said to Yue Rushuang in the room, but during lunch, Yue Rushuang rarely condescended to eat at the same table with them.

Afterwards, Yue Rushuang and Lan Tingrui bid farewell, first boarded the flying monsters bound for the Qingyue Clan, and took Di Dudu back to Xuanye College directly after finishing the matter.

Yu Tingsong stayed behind to refine a lot of pills for Lan Zhou, and Duan Muyi assisted them. They all knew that Lan Zhou had suffered a serious injury this time, and I am afraid that there will not be many days left.

It's just that they didn't tell Lan Zhou and Lan Yao tacitly. Lan Zhou might know it himself, but Lan Yao's methods are still too tender. hands.

Three days later, Yu Tingsong took Shen Muxu to leave.

On this day, Lan Yao talked with Di Kongxuan in the study all night.

These days, Lan Zhou intentionally delegated all the work in hand to Lan Yao. Lan Yao was used to being a waste snack, but suddenly she had to take over such a big job, and she was really devastated.

After finally finding time, he seemed to be grasping at straws.

(End of this chapter)

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