Chapter 1844

"This jade tablet, if it is in danger, crush it. There is a touch of my consciousness inside, I will know. Then... I will rush over as soon as possible."

Bai Tuantuan took the things and hugged her again: "Don't worry, I will play it by ear. But you, you have to be careful along the way."

After separating from her, the two left the main city of the Shensha Clan.

Duanmuyi frowned and said, "I always feel that there is something wrong with Patriarch Bai."

Di Kongxuan took her to fly in the air, not afraid of being heard, so he said: "It's strange. Even we can see that the so-called clan army is completely vulnerable. Where does his self-confidence come from? "

"Tuantuan, she..." Duanmu was worried about his friend.

Di Kongxuan held her hand, and said helplessly: "How much can you help her? After all, Miss Bai is also a strong person in the transformation stage, so she is not so vulnerable. Besides, the intention of the person behind the scenes now, It is the spirit ring. And the spirit ring of the Shensha tribe, I suspect that it is not in the Shensha tribe at all."

Duanmu Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant: "You mean, the ring is in Chen Yuan's hand?"

"For such an important thing, no matter where it is hidden, it is better to keep it under the nose. If I were the patriarch, I would definitely choose to carry it with me unless it is absolutely necessary." Di Kongxuan said.

Duanmuyi thinks it makes sense, since the spirit ring is not in the Shensha tribe, the Shensha tribe will not be in chaos for a while.

The two soon arrived at the flying monster mark point. Duanmuyi showed the sky card of the Qingyue clan and received the highest courtesy. He quickly arranged a two-seater flying monster for them to go to the Shengling clan.

This is the first time that Duanmuyi has entered the realm of the Shengling Clan since his ascension.

Ordinarily, she is a member of the Shengling Clan in the Xuanye Continent, but she has no sense of belonging to this place. Thinking about it carefully, when she was in the Cangyang Continent, she did not have any sense of belonging to the Spirit Clan. Used to wandering outside.

The relationships among the various families of the Shengling Clan are intricate. If the family of the Shensha Clan is like branches on a tree, the twigs are intertwined.The family sects of the Shengling clan are like the gravel on the beach, there are so many that they cannot be counted.

All the families that ascended from the Lower Realm Continent can establish their own sects, and some families even have less than ten members, and dare to call themselves a certain house.

The Shengling Clan has a Presbyterian Church, which is composed of five families, Jiang Shao's Jiang family, Hua Guiyu's Huagui family, Duanmu family, Dongfang family and Yin family.

The current patriarch, Dongfang, is from the Dongfang family.

And Jiang Shao, the next patriarch with the highest voice, also made the Jiang family in the limelight now.

The two walked from the flying monster mark point in the valley to the main city. During this short [-]-mile journey, they had already witnessed more than a dozen street fights.

The five major families are at odds with each other, and no one is convinced by the other. The big people can still greet each other with amiable smiles, but the people below are already fighting in a mess.

Duanmuyi joked with Dikongxuan about the brawl he saw with Yu Tingsong before going to Xuanye Academy.

Di Kongxuan said: "The Shengling Clan may seem chaotic, but it is actually the most difficult bone in the entire continent. Half of the fresh blood in the mainland today is the descendants of the Shengling Clan who ascended from the Lower Realm Continent. Keep your blood pure..."

(End of this chapter)

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