Chapter 1845

"Intermarriage with foreign surnames is prohibited, and now there are fewer and fewer outstanding talents."

"If the next head of the Shengling Clan can't integrate all the forces in the clan, the entire continent will be in chaos." Duanmuyi rubbed his chin and said, "Do you think it's possible that among the five big families, there is the black hand behind the scenes?" Mix the water?"

Di Kongxuan looked at the building in front of him, and stopped in his tracks: "It's not possible, it's certain."

The two had already arrived at the patriarch's mansion. The patriarch's mansion of the Shengling clan retained the architectural style of the lower continent. It was built on a mountain. There were guards and formations at the entrance below the mountain. The neat steps went up the mountain and went straight into the clouds.

The guard stopped the two of them, looked at them and said, "Aren't you from my clan?"

Duanmuyi showed a token and said, "Please inform me that Duanmu wants to see the patriarch."

The token was an internal token of the Duanmu family that Duanmuyue took out after the freshmen meeting in order to win her over. Judging by the guard's expression now, it should be considered a relatively high-level token.

The guard respectfully said, "Elder, please wait a moment."

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows, so the elder of Duanmu's family in the Presbyterian Church is Duanmuyue?

Not long after, a person came down the mountain road, Duan Muyi took a closer look, ah, isn't this her flamboyant grandfather?
Duan Muyue approached and was very happy to see her: "As soon as I heard that someone had the elder's token, I rushed over to have a look, and it turned out to be you."

Duanmuyi greeted with a smile: "Grandpa Lao Zu is really there."

Hearing this address, Duanmuyue's feet slipped, and he took three steps with one foot. Under the guard's horrified gaze, he staggered and stood firm.

"Ahem, what are you talking about, come in." Duanmuyue glanced at Di Kongxuan, but he didn't say such nonsense that foreigners can't enter.

If he said so, Duanmu would not mind giving him a punch, then turned around and left.

Following Duanmu Yue, he climbed halfway up the mountainside, and around the mountainside, five mansions were built, one of which was the elder mansion of Duanmu's family.

Duan Muyue introduced: "The people of the tribe all live at the foot of the mountain, and the elders and patriarchs live on the mountain, as well as some direct disciples."

The three of them entered, and Duanmuyue closed the door of the mansion to prevent outsiders from prying.

"There are three elders in Duanmu's family. The other two have gone down the mountain to run errands. It will take about six or seven days to come back. You can stay longer and let them see you." Duanmuyue said.

Duanmuyi didn't pay attention to his solicitation, and only said: "I'm here for business, is the patriarch here? I want to see him."

"Well, if you say that you just don't understand the rules, how can you see the patriarch just as soon as you say it?" Duanmuyue said helplessly, "General affairs are handled directly by the elders, and those that cannot be handled will be reported to the patriarch. Moreover, the patriarch It is currently in retreat, and it is still unknown when it will exit."

Duanmu slandered, as expected, he was ascended from the Lower Realm Continent, and this posture was inherited in the same strain, making it as difficult as meeting the emperor.

Qingyue Clan, Canghai Clan, Shensha Clan, which clan leader has this air?
"It's the same as what I said. If it's really urgent, I'll call the elders of other families to discuss it together." Duanmuyue said.

Duanmuyi then told about his affairs in the Canghai Clan.

"Spirit ring..." Duanmuyue was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I really don't know about it, the patriarch probably keeps it for himself. But..."

(End of this chapter)

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