Chapter 1847

Duanmu looked at him vigilantly, afraid that he would suddenly rush up and say nonsense that Lao Tzu Dikongxuan likes you.

She swore secretly that if he dared to do this, she would definitely burn the whole mountain with a spiritual fire.

Fortunately, Young Master Jiang didn't seem to have that intention. He stood there and said, "Before the holiday, Mo Lingyu approached me and wanted to conclude a covenant with me. That's all I've said. If you want to know more, just leave Come down for a meal. Make up your own mind."

He said, turned around and left.

Duanmuyi squinted his eyes, feeling that the words contained a lot of information.

Judging from Young Master Jiang's tone, it was obvious that he did not agree to Mo Lingyu.But why didn't Mo Lingyu achieve his goal, but still let Jiang Shao go back to the Shengling clan?Do you think that even if the major tribes know about it, it will not affect his plan?

Since Young Master Jiang was personally invited by Mo Lingyu, he will definitely strengthen the defense of the Shengling Clan after he returns, so it is unnecessary for her and Di Kongxuan to come here.

Then, as Young Master Jiang said, is it really the Mo people behind this?

The purpose of the Mo people is Xuanye Valley?Or the whole continent?
After a moment of silence, Duanmuyi looked up at Dikongxuan, the meaning in her eyes was obvious, she wanted to stay and listen to what Jiang Shao had to say.

Although I always feel that Jiang Shao has bad intentions, since he rejected Mo Lingyu, he must be standing on the opposite side of the Mo clan. In this way, he can be regarded as half an ally.

Di Kongxuan naturally understood what she was thinking, so he nodded and said, "I'll accompany you."

However, if Duanmuyi could predict what would happen at night, she would definitely beat herself to death.

I regret it very much,—a fart ally!

The banquet at night seemed to be just like what Jiang Shao said, it was just an ordinary family banquet.The banquet was arranged in the mansion of Great Elder Jiang, and everyone sat in separate seats. The dishes were not too rich, but they were also exquisite and pleasant.

Duanmuyi secretly speculated, could it be that she was thinking too much?

After drinking for three rounds, the elder of the Jiang family stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I have heard about the demeanor of the third son of the Dijiang clan for a long time, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation."

Most of the people of the Shengling clan ascended from the lower realms, so they have the customs of the lower realms. They always like to babble before talking about the important points. It seems that if they don't say something polite, they will feel uncomfortable all over.

Duanmu had seen Qingyue, the patriarch of the Qingyue Clan, capable and calm, concise and to the point, he could speak clearly in one sentence, and never said the second sentence.Lan Zhou, the patriarch of the Canghai Clan, seemed to be more scheming, but he didn't have any polite words, he just talked about things straight to the point.

She still prefers that style.

Di Kongxuan obviously couldn't bear to deal with these things, and said calmly: "Elder Jiang, you don't have to be polite."

"Ahem, dry drinking is a bit boring—" the elder Jiang's family turned to look at the young man beside him, and said, "Young Master Jiang, didn't you say that you prepared a show for the fun?"

Duanmuyi slightly raised his eyes, thinking, he was indeed hiding a trick.

Jiang Shao got up, apologized to the elders at the banquet, and stepped back to prepare for the show.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the elder who had returned home took a look outside the door and said, "How did Young Master Jiang go for so long? Could it be that he was unprepared?"

Elder Jiang chuckled and was not angry: "There must be some delay."

He was about to be reminded by someone, when the music of Yaoqin suddenly sounded outside.

The clear and long sound of Yaoqin is like a gust of wind blowing away the night.

(End of this chapter)

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