Chapter 1848

Gently blowing on the door, six fair-skinned and beautiful girls embraced one of them and stepped into the hall. The music of Yaoqin was endless, and the seven of them were already dancing in the hall.

Duanmuyi squinted his eyes, looked at the person in the middle, and his heart suddenly lifted.


The light gauzes in the hands of the six girls were flying, and at a certain moment, they all lowered their waists, like flower petals in full bloom, while the man in the middle had already turned and flew up, with the gauze in his hands hanging on the beams and pillars, his body was like a light swallow, flying in circles in the hall , the skirt fluttered lightly, carrying a burst of fragrance, and then swayed to the ground.

She raised her eyes, her face was clear and bright, her eyes were sharp, and her smile was open.

Everyone was shocked.

The cup in Elder Jiang's hand fell to the ground, and the rest of the people were not much better.

Young Master Jiang smiled and watched everyone's reactions, feeling very satisfied in his heart. From the corner of his eye, he went to look at Di Kongxuan who was at the side, only to see him lowering his eyes, trying to pick a fishbone for Duanmuyi? !
He... No, it should be that she couldn't help frowning slightly, she knew how stunning her women's clothing was, Duanmu Yisheng was good-looking, but it couldn't compare to her heroic spirit, could it be that Dikongxuan wouldn't get tired of it after looking at it for a long time ?Why doesn't he look at himself?

Jiang Shao lost the interest in dancing for a while, this dance was also arranged by her herself, and it took countless days and nights to compose it, but now it is boring.

After the hasty end, she still suppressed her temper and saluted the elders.

"Jiang...Jiang Shao..." The elder of the Huagui clan was dumbfounded, "You are—"

"It's not intentional to deceive the seniors, it's just that my mother once said that I can't be known as a woman until I am a hundred years old, so I have been hiding it until now." Jiang Shao also behaved generously.

It's just that she couldn't help looking at Di Kongxuan who was on the side.

She is now one hundred and three years old, and she can actually change back to women's clothes long ago, but she is used to pretending to be a man, and she didn't want to show her best side until she met him.

But he turned a blind eye to her most cherished self.

Duanmuyi felt that her gaze was very dazzling - she had thought about many possibilities, Jiang Shao kept approaching Di Kongxuan, was it because of some unknown plan, or she really thought Jiang Shao had a broken sleeve Addiction.

Now it seems that she was wrong, Jiang Shao turned out to be a woman!
She took a deep breath, got up and saluted everyone: "It stands to reason that you are all my seniors. According to your seniority, I should call you grandpa. But please forgive me for being rude, Di Kongxuan and I are married. I should be from the Dijiang clan, so I don’t bother you seniors to include me in the family tree.”

On the side, the elders of the Dongfang family were a little surprised: "When did you marry the third son?"

"Just in the Lower Realm Continent, I have a son with him, and they are connected by blood. If you elders don't believe me, there are ways to check." Duan Muyi smiled slightly, and looked at Young Master Jiang, "Girl Jiang's dance tonight amazed everyone, presumably after tomorrow, There are countless noble disciples who came to ask for marriage, and we, husband and wife, are here to congratulate Miss Jiang in advance."

Jiang Shao suddenly clenched his fists.

She has been a man for more than 100 years, and she has the vigor of a man in every gesture, coupled with her youthful vigor, she can't help but want to do it right now.

Elder Jiang was keenly aware of her mood swings, and interrupted her aloud: "Hahaha, what nonsense did Miss Duanmu say? You are a descendant of the Spirit Clan, so naturally you should be included in our Sheng Ling Clan's genealogy."

(End of this chapter)

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