Chapter 1849

"Yue'er just took over as an elder of the Duanmu family, and I haven't explained many things clearly to you. Why don't you stay in our Jiang family's mansion for a few days, and I will have someone explain it to you again, and you have joined the Shengling clan. -"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted rudely.

Di Kongxuan took Duanmuyi's hand, looked coldly across the crowd, and then sneered: "She is my wife, Di Kongxuan, and it's not your turn to tell her what to do. There's no need to stay here, let me go."

The two walked towards the door hand in hand, Jiang Shao couldn't help but stepped forward and shouted: "Wait!"

Dikongxuan stopped, Duanmuyi turned his head to look.

Under the soft light emanating from the spirit stone, the woman straightened her back stubbornly, her eyes fixed on Di Kongxuan's back persistently, as if she didn't care whether he turned back or not, and she didn't care how inappropriate her current actions were.

She just clenched her fists and asked, "You hated me from the very beginning, why? Is there nothing attractive about me?"

Di Kongxuan frowned, as if he didn't want to answer such boring questions at all.

Duanmuyi was about to speak, but Dikongxuan, who was originally silent, suddenly grabbed her shoulders and stopped what she was about to say.

The man answered coldly and was swept into the hall by the autumn wind: "You are not her."

"You're not her, so I don't care what you have that deserves my attention. Do you hate you? Since you have this kind of ambition, I naturally hate you."

After he finished speaking without mercy, he disappeared outside the door with Duanmuyi.

The cultivation base of the Mahayana period naturally allows him to come and go freely.

Young Master Jiang stood by the door stupidly, looking at the night, his heart was icy cold—is it because he likes him that he hates him?

Her eyes were gloomy, and she just thought it was absurd. She didn't believe the reason for this!

On the way away from the Shengling Clan, Di Kongxuan's face was a bit grim.

Duanmuyi sat next to him with his chin resting on his shoulders. The clouds flew past beside him, and the speed of the flying monster was brought up to the fastest.They sat in the restraint, smooth as usual.

She looked at it for a while, then suddenly laughed: "Hey, I'm not angry, why are you angry?"

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, a little depressed: "Aren't you angry?"

Could it be that if a woman expresses her liking for him, she won't be jealous?

Duanmuyi blinked his eyes, and knew at a glance that he had misunderstood.

"Hahaha, Di Kongxuan, you are so childish!" Duanmu was overjoyed.

It is rare to see such an awkward scene of him, even in the Cangyang Continent, he has never been so awkward when other women flirt with him... Well, of course, it may be because the person who flirts with him is Xin Xuerou, right?

Thinking of that sister in name, Duanmuyi couldn't help feeling sour.

Di Kongxuan was so angry that he didn't want to talk, he got up and went back to his room.

Duanmuyi got in a second before he closed the door, got into his arms, looked up at him: "I'm not angry, someone likes you, it means you are very good, you are the best in the world. You are so good You are my husband, I am too happy, why are you angry?"

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes to look at her, she smiled coquettishly, laughing so much that he lost all temper.

But he didn't intend to let her go like this. His memory was incomplete, so he wasn't sure how much weight he had in her heart, so he simply continued to keep a straight face and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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