Chapter 1851

Compared with when he was on vacation, he has grown a little taller.

She smiled softly and said, "Qingyue Clan can be regarded as half of your family, so there is nothing to worry about. Father and mother are going to do some dangerous things, so naturally they can't take you with them."

Di Dudu hummed unhappily: "I'm also at the peak of the Golden Core Late Stage now, so I won't hold you back."

Hearing this, Duanmuyi was startled, and then became ecstatic.

How old is he now?Even with the previous time in Shanhai Lingyu, he is only ten years old. It is really good for a ten-year-old child to step into the innate realm. Even if the parents have strong blood, they are born with a golden core In the long-term cultivation base, it has not advanced so fast.

She separated a ray of gentle spiritual consciousness and probed into his dantian. Sure enough, the golden elixir in the dantian, which was originally the size of a mung bean, has now grown into a cocoon, and the spiritual energy is radiating outward. A harbinger of a breakthrough.

"Son, when did you practice?" Duanmu said in surprise, "When we took you to the ascension, you were only at the early stage of Jindan. How did you advance so quickly in just two years?"

Di Dudu took a black jade gourd from his waist: "I don't know, it seems to be related to it."

The black jade gourd was found by Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan on the corpse in the secret room when they entered the Spirit Hall for the first time. Later, Didudu liked it and gave it to him.At first, there was a cold and strange aura in the black jade gourd, which almost drove Di Dudu into a rage, but later Duanmuyi used his soul power to suppress the aura, and there was no problem.

What exactly is this black jade gourd?
How could one's cultivation progress so quickly?

Duanmu thought for a while and asked, "Can I leave this to my mother for safekeeping first? Don't rush to break through, first make your current cultivation base solid, and then mother will teach you how to break through to the Nascent Soul stage."

Di Dudu quickly nodded in agreement.

In the next period of time, Di Kongxuan was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground. Xuanye College's law enforcement teams outside the campus were attacked and assassinated one after another. As the newly appointed captain of the Foreign Law Enforcement Team, Xuan never had a good night's sleep.

The house leak coincided with the continuous night rain, half a month later Xuan Ye College started school, and the matter of the law enforcement team outside had not yet come to an end, and there was chaos inside the college.

"I heard that at first the students of the Shengling Clan were arguing in class, and they made an appointment for a martial arts competition. In the end, they killed a student of the Yin family. The Jiang family came to persuade them to make peace, but they were also dragged into the water."

Lan Tingrui gulped down water while talking about the gossip she had heard: "Nowadays, students from the five families of the Shengling clan are arguing with each other, the classroom is full of smoke, and after class there is a fight in the street. No matter how you stop it, you can't stop it."

The disputes among the Shengling clan had already begun. Ten years ago, the patriarch Dongfang suffered a serious illness, and it has intensified in the past two years.

Originally, Xuanye Academy was still a clean place. Private fighting was not allowed under the rules of the school, and there was a law enforcement team guarding it. Even if there were disputes, they would be settled in the martial arts field, and they must not be brought into trouble within the academy.Now that the law enforcement team is too busy to take care of themselves, they let these people take advantage of the loopholes.

Shen Muxu also came back before school started, and after a few classes, it was already miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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