Chapter 1852

"In every class, it's fine if the teacher doesn't ask the Shengling clan to answer the questions, but there are always unintentional moments when they quarrel. Now the teacher doesn't dare to ask the students to answer the questions, and they all finish in a hurry Hurriedly dismiss get out of class." Shen Muxu sighed.

Most of the teachers in the college are only in the stage of transformation of gods, and some of them are only in the stage of Yuanying stage, but they have made achievements in other fields, so they are invited to teach.It is not as good as some of the students' family backgrounds, and they dare not offend them, so they have to teach with their tails between their legs.

Duanmuyi only felt uneasy.

She has been refining medicine in retreat these days. Half a month ago, she received an order for elixir medicine. It was not easy to refine it, and she spent a lot of effort. She just finished refining it today. Who knows that she heard about these things as soon as she left the customs.

"Did the academy not express anything?" Duanmuyi asked with a frown.

"How could such a big matter not be expressed." Shen Muxu said, "The deputy dean quickly punished the students who made trouble at the beginning, and then expelled the most violent students, but it was useless .”

Lan Tingrui said: "It can't be shut down. It's okay if only a small number of people make trouble. Nowadays, students from the Shengling tribe account for a quarter of the students in the college. With so many people making trouble, even if the dean personally I'm afraid it won't be easy to solve if you take action."

"Then let them make trouble?" Duanmu frowned, "Is Di Mingkun back?"

Lan Tingrui shook her head: "Not yet. I heard that the recall order has already been issued. I don't know why it was delayed. Not only the second son of the emperor, but also Lan Yao. The Canghai clan is in chaos. He must stay and take charge of the overall situation. "

Duanmu wanted to go out and have a look.

Di Kongxuan left a note for her, and went out to carry out a mission, and I'm afraid he won't be able to come back for a while. He should know about the academy's affairs, but I don't know if he is also in a hurry now.

Sometimes Duanmuyi feels that she doesn't need to always take care of the overall situation, what does it matter to her if others are in chaos?But no, if she just sits idly by, sooner or later the knife will be on her neck.

Is the civil strife of the Shengling Clan really just that simple?

Duanmuyi couldn't help thinking, what are those elders of the Shengling clan who are at odds with each other doing?Now that the situation is so tense, why do they still allow the tribe to do evil?
"Duanmuyi!" Someone called her from behind.

She looked back, but saw a girl who was unfamiliar with her face, leading five girls towards her, before she could ask anything, that person had already raised his palm, with ferocious spiritual power rushing towards her.

Duanmuyi flashed past, but was already surrounded by the six of them.

The woman's eyes were scarlet, and she said sharply: "Yesterday, those bastards from Duanmu's family injured our two sisters. Today, since I caught a single one, I will beat them hard!"

Duanmuyi was besieged by six people before she even knew who she was.

The six people were all strong in the early stage of transforming gods, but they had high cultivation bases, but they didn't have a tacit understanding. Duanmuyi was stronger than them anyway, so he easily dodged.

"Are you from the Shengling clan?" She frowned.

"Ah bah, what Shengling people, we are the Yin family!"

Duanmu couldn't bear the entanglement, and was about to make a quick decision when a man shouted coldly from the side of the road: "Stop! Take them all back!"

She turned her head and saw that Yu Tingsong was rushing over here with the law enforcement team. The men in the law enforcement team...

(End of this chapter)

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