Chapter 1856

She silently drank the cold tea in the cup and let out a sigh.

"If I want to win him over, I will naturally not let go easily. I don't care what you have experienced, I believe that no matter how good a person is, there will always be a day when he will be bored." Jiang Shao declared war in a cold voice.

Duanmuyi shrugged, it doesn't matter.

The two were relatively silent for a moment, and Young Master Jiang said: "Back to the topic just now. You ask me what benefits I can give you... I don't know how much you know about Xuanye Valley?"

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows slightly.

The first time I heard about Xuanye Valley was at the Freshman Conference, when Di Kongxuan fought against Song Aotian, the map of the Martial Arts Field turned into the south cliff of Xuanye Valley; the second time I heard about it was at Lanzhou's place, and I heard the details.

Seeing her expression, Young Master Jiang said: "It seems that you also know a lot. I won't play riddles with you. You and I know the actions of the Mo people. Their purpose is to open the inner valley of Xuanye Valley and get other information. The inner treasures dominate the entire Xuanye Continent. I heard from the elders that the inner valley will be opened sooner or later."


"So, I promise you a place to enter Neigu." Jiang Shao said, "When Neigu opens, only the core children of the seven major tribes can enter. There are very few places. I promise you, if I can sit firmly in Shengling Clan patriarch, when the inner valley is opened, you can enter the inner valley as a core disciple of the Shengling clan. How many things you can get at that time, exercises, elixir, weapons... are all your own."

Duanmuyi asked: "Haven't you ever thought that the Mo tribe opened up the inner valley by themselves, and the rest of your tribes can't even get a hair?"

Jiang Shao laughed: "Ha, it's impossible. To open the inner valley, the only way to open the inner valley is to collect the seven keys from the seven tribes. Do you think everyone is as useless as Lanzhou? What's more, the patriarch of the Dijiang tribe, Di Tian is the guardian of the Xuanye Valley, and the mere Mo tribe may not dare to confront the Dijiang tribe directly."

Duanmu thought about it in his heart.

She is not very interested in the so-called Neigu treasure, but if she can stop the plot of the Mo tribe, it is not a loss.Furthermore, Di Kongxuan will definitely enter as the core disciple of the Dijiang Clan at that time, so she also has a reasonable status to enter with him.

The place where the legendary strongman fell and the place where all the patriarchs were buried, there might be some adventures.

After thinking for a while, Duanmu Yi raised his eyes and replied, "Deal."

Jiang Shao bent the corners of his lips, poured tea for her and himself again, and raised his glass: "There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. Happy cooperation."

Duanmuyi didn't drink her cup of tea, but just tilted his head: "I'm going to rest."

Young Master Jiang made fun of it, sneered, put down the teacup and left, and the unhappiness emanating from her could be seen from far away.

"What a young lady." Duanmuyi smiled.

The temperament of Jiang Shao's eldest lady is completely different from that of Duanmu Xiaoxiao's eldest lady. Duanmu Xiaoxiao grew up being held in the palm of her hand since she was a child.

However, Young Master Jiang was very talented since she was a child, and everyone praised her. All the Shengling tribe worshiped her and admired her. She always thought that everyone should be like this. Complaints, even thought Duanmuyi should do the same.

It's true, supercilious to the extreme.

Now that he has suffered at the hands of Di Kongxuan and Duanmuyi, he must not be able to sleep well tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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