Chapter 1857

Now that she agreed, Duanmuyi explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly with Elder Hu and Elder Chen the next day, and there was no need for her to state the pros and cons. The two elders are both good people and immediately understood the benefits and losses.

But as Young Master Jiang said, she herself is the successor of the next patriarch of the Shengling Clan. What difference does it make if it is sooner or later?
As for Dongfang, the patriarch has refused to show up so far, and it is really impossible to trust him.

Elder Hu looked at Duanmuyi with a smile, and asked his little apprentice: "You are also a member of the Duanmu family, and your talent even exceeds that of Young Master Jiang. If you go all out now, she should not be your opponent. As long as you raise your arms Phew, the Duanmu family will definitely support you, don't you want to be the patriarch?"

Duanmuyi smiled lazily: "I'm afraid Master doesn't know me very well. What's so good about the patriarch? He is restricted by rules and regulations, so he can't do things freely. What's more, the Duanmu family has a Duanmuyue first, and I am not yet Duanmuyue's opponent. , even if you want to choose a supporter, you must choose him who knows the basics and is loyal to the family, and it is impossible to choose me."

Seeing her see so clearly, Elder Hu nodded secretly, thinking that although his apprentice was immature, he had rich experience, and he was really a good seed.

"Don't worry about it, you are only so old, and you will have a long time to come."

In the end, Elder Hu was worried that she was eager for success and neglected the fundamentals.

In fact, Duanmuyi didn't tell him that she looks only under 40 years old, and she looks like a child among the cultivators, but if you count the days of her cultivation in the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm and her own Spiritual Fire , I am afraid that all the people here have not practiced for as long as her.

Her talent is nothing more than that, and it relies on the accumulation day after day.

Because of this, she advanced so fast in the past, but now she is much slower.But she is really not in a hurry, with her current cultivation base, it is more than enough to deal with people below the Mahayana stage.

When the meeting was held again that afternoon, Duanmuyi, as the team leader appointed by the academy, directly proposed this proposal.

Obviously, the Jiang family and the Huagui family had no objection, but the other three families were furious.

Dongfang family: "What does this mean? The patriarch is not dead yet!"

The Jiang family: "Oh, then you asked the patriarch to speak up?"

Duanmu's family: "Originally, the patriarch is a capable person. Among the younger generation, who is Duanmuyue's opponent?"

Hua Guijia: "The younger generation? Duan Muyue's seniority can be counted as Jiang Shao's uncle, why are you still fighting with the younger generation here?"

Duanmu's family: "Even Duanmuyi's talent is higher than that of Young Master Jiang!"

Duanmuyi, who proposed this proposal, looked at the Duanmu family members innocently, and had no intention of speaking out.

The elder of the Yin family on the side smiled hoarsely: "In my opinion, it's better to break up the team and let everyone take care of their own. What Shengling clan, to put it bluntly, isn't it just a garbage dump that collects all kinds of rags?"

All the families: "Who do you call rags!"

Elder Hu got a headache when he heard that, he slapped the table, and said angrily: "Be quiet! Everyone is lucky to be the elder of the family and the head of the family, how can they be so noisy?"

Everyone sneered, not showing his face at all.

Xuanye Academy was originally superior to all tribes, mediation in the middle was extremely important, and any tribe would have to sell the academy to save face.

(End of this chapter)

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