Chapter 1859

"Does the master miss the young master?" Erhu asked.

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows: "Is it so obvious?"

"Yeah." Erhu nodded sharply.

The main pet drank a pot of wine, but Duanmuyi was still sober, so he simply went out for a walk.

Erhu changed back into a boy, and followed her, chatting with her, and when they passed a corner, they suddenly saw two figures coming down from the mountain, avoiding the guard post, and walking towards the city go.

There is no curfew in the main city, and people set up stalls all night and even buy some contraband, so it is equally lively at night.

Duanmuyi silently followed the two until they walked into a small courtyard.

An invisible restriction rose outside the door, and Duan Muyi almost touched it.She retreated to the corner of the wall, and then there was a wave of soul power between her brows, penetrating through the restriction without any waves.

She also had the idea of ​​testing, if the other party's soul power was stronger than hers, she would just walk away.But there are not many people with stronger soul power than her in this world, so she gambled on her luck.

Obviously, she bet right.

The two people inside were probably very relieved of the restrictions they set, and they both took off their cloaks, and they turned out to be the elders of the Duanmu family and the elders of the Dongfang family.

Elder Dongfang said coldly: "Hmph, that girl in your family is too impolite during the daytime!"

The elder of the Duanmu family is named Duanmuchun, and he is also a strong man at the peak of the late Huashen stage. He is not too old now, and he is very hopeful to break through to the Mahayana stage, so he always feels that he is superior.

At this time, he was so accused, he also graciously ignored it, and just smiled: "Hey, Brother Dongfang, calm down, she must have been bewitched to say that. Think about it, Young Master Jiang told the emperor Kongxuan's thoughts are now known to the entire Shengling Clan, so how can our Xiaoyi let it go?"

Our Xiaoyi——I heard someone shivering in the corner, feeling a little chilly.

Elder Dongfang sat down in the yard, frowned and said, "Then what do you think we should do? We pretended to be right as we agreed, and when the time is right, we will elect Duanmuyue as the head of the family together. Now it seems that the old women of the Yin family are If you insist on splitting, and the Jiang family and Huagui family fully support Young Master Jiang, do you really want to split?"

"Confused, can't be divided!" Duanmuchun said, "Xiaoyi said something right today. Although our entire Shengling clan has the most disciples, it is also the most chaotic. Now that we are barely united, we are not opponents over there. Scattered, isn't it just waiting to be broken one by one? What's more, think about it, only the patriarch can control the key. If we split up, who will the key be given to? How will the quota be allocated when the inner valley is opened? "

Elder Dongfang frowned: "Then it's better to take the key and get the key. If you get the key, you will naturally get the position of patriarch. If anyone refuses to accept it, they will be killed together!"

"This is the worst policy." Duanmuchun persuaded with a good temper, "Now that the patriarch is not here, since Xuanye College has sent people to mediate, they naturally have a strong voice. If I can persuade Xiaoyi, I will stand on our side On the one hand, the chances of winning are great. If you try to find a way to get the old woman from the Yin family to compromise, then the Jiang family and the Huagui family will have no choice but to swallow their teeth."

The two were silent for a moment.

Elder Dongfang asked in a deep voice: "Then what if you can't persuade that girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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