Chapter 1860

Duanmuchun smiled slightly: "If she is so disobedient, that's all I can do. The family law will deal with it."

"Hehe, she doesn't recognize her bloodline from the Duanmu family." Elder Dongfang mocked.

"She can't help but deny it. She may not know that once those people from the Shengling Clan are registered at the registration office, their bloodlines will be automatically divided. She would rather die than live." Duanmuchun's tone was light, even with a smile.

The two immortals looked at each other and smiled, both heaving a sigh of relief.

No one expected that the accident would happen at this very moment, a flash of fluorescence cut the air like a silk thread, and when Duanmuchun anticipated the crisis and had to take precautions, it was too late.

He only felt a chill in his throat, and then, a very thin line of blood appeared on his neck, and the blood line expanded in an instant, and the spiritual power exploded between his neck, his body had no time to repair itself, and half of his head was blown away .

Elder Dongfang was so startled that he flew back, his spiritual power soared, and he built a strong defense around him. At the same time, he stared at the night sky vigilantly, and said in a deep voice, "Where is the master, come out and see!"

Yet no one responded to him.

Duanmuchun's spiritual consciousness was about to escape from his body, but the moment he left the restraint, he was pinched in the palm of a white and slender hand.

The group of spiritual consciousness saw her, and said in surprise: "It's you—"

Duanmuyi's brows were stained with snow, his eyes were cold and cold, his five fingers were put together and exerted force, and the soul power rushed up, crushing the ball of spiritual consciousness into nothingness.

"What a Duanmu family."

She originally thought that after leaving the Cangyang Continent, all the evil deeds of the Duanmu family could be regarded as the past.Now the Duanmu family of the Shengling clan, she just treats it as a strange family.

But only now did I realize that blood relationship has been passed down for a long time, and it really has bad roots.

Even the big family that other people seem to be aloof now is still so dark and disgusting.

Elder Dongfang opened the door vigilantly, but there was no one outside, not even a trace of breath.

He looked solemn, and decided that the person who made the shot must be a strong man in the Mahayana period, otherwise it was impossible that neither he nor Duanmuchun could perceive the existence of that person.

As for why he only killed Duanmuchun, Elder Dongfang couldn't figure it out, he could only attribute it to his good luck.

After Elder Dongfang left in a hurry, Duanmuyi released the concealment technique and came from the dark corner of the wall.Concealment is the first technique she created, and now it is handy to use with her soul power. Unless the strong man in the Mahayana period, or someone whose soul power is much higher than hers, it is impossible for others to notice her existence.

She stared at the direction where Elder Dongfang left, and murmured: "Don't worry, maybe you will be next."

She originally planned to get out of here, causing Young Master Jiang a headache.

But since someone has set his mind on her, why is she so talkative?
Then don't mind using some tough measures.

There is always bloodshed when there is a change of dynasty.

She curled her lips and walked slowly into the night.

The news of Duanmuchun's accidental death the next day spread like wildfire, and spread throughout the main city of the Shengling Clan in just half an hour.Although no one saw his body with his own eyes, his life card was indeed broken.

Elder Dongfang was very anxious at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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