Chapter 1862

Surviving in the world for three days, those with stronger spiritual sense can survive for more than half a month.The life card shattered immediately, the only possibility is that the spiritual consciousness was also annihilated.

In Elder Hu's perception, there is only his apprentice in front of him with such a powerful soul.

Duanmuyi blinked and said with a narrow smile, "Master, good night."

Elder Hu shook his head helplessly and could only leave.

Sure enough, as Duanmu expected, the next afternoon, Young Master Jiang made a move. She invited the heads of the two families to her residence respectively. Beneath and helpless.

By evening, the bloody battle subsided.

Duanmuyi didn't expect Jiang Shao to have such means, but she didn't want to pry into the internal affairs of the Shengling clan, so she didn't inquire about it. At least the disputes have subsided. Now four of the five families support Jiang Shao, and the remaining one There will be no waves at home.

After deliberation, Elder Chen took the case and decided to take a day off tomorrow and return to Xuanye College the day after tomorrow.


"Elder Chen! Elder Hu!" In the dead of night, a hasty knock on the door resounded through the courtyard.

Duanmuyi happened to be meditating, when he heard the voice flying up, he rushed out of the door, and was surprised when he saw someone coming, "Senior Brother Chen Yuan?"

Chen Yuan turned his head to see her, nodded but did not speak.

Not long after, the two elders who were woken up also came out, and the four of them entered the room, and then Chen Yuan slowly expressed his intentions.

The direction he was assigned was on the side of the Sheng Ling Clan, so he came here the fastest.He handed over a message in his hand, and said: "The Spirit Hall has changed, and the Longevity Fire has injured people. Many students have been burned to death, and two teachers... also died in their duties."

This is simply a wave of ups and downs. The matter here of the Shengling Clan has just come to an end. Who would have expected that something would happen to Xuanye Academy.

At this time, the top forces in the college have been sent out to help the students outside. At present, it is all supported by the dean and three deputy deans. Take control of the situation.

Chen Yuan looked at Elder Hu: "Dean, please go back as soon as possible and find a way to treat the students who were burned by the longevity fire. In addition, Elder Chen, you may need to find a way to enter the Spirit Hall and find out the reason for the abnormal movement of the Spirit Hall."

Elder Hu is best at refining medicine, while Elder Chen is a strong researcher of organ formations.

There is a strange formation in the Spirit Hall, and even the strong at the Mahayana stage dare not break in at will. Only Elder Chen who is good at this kind of thing has a chance.

Knowing that the college was in a critical situation, Elder Hu and Elder Chen did not dare to slack off, and immediately decided to leave overnight.

Duanmu thought for a while, and handed over his Sky Card: "With this, it should be faster."

"Aren't you going back with us?" Elder Hu frowned, "It's not safe outside, why not go back to the academy together, isn't Dudu still in the academy?"

Duanmuyi lowered his eyes and said: "With the dean and the others here, there should be no major accidents in the college. I have other things to deal with here, so I won't go back with Master."

Elder Hu looked at her for a moment, then nodded: "Forget it, you can decide for yourself."

The situation escalated, and the two of them went out without any further delay, and they didn't need to pack any luggage.

After sending the two away, Duanmuyi turned to look at Chen Yuan.

After the matter was settled, Chen Yuan relaxed a little, and smiled lightly: "Do you want to ask me about Di Kongxuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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