Chapter 1863

"The five groups of you are going in one direction, there is always one person who can meet Di Kongxuan right?" Duanmu asked, "Who is it?"

Chen Yuan spread his hands: "It's not me. According to the news from the foreign law enforcement team, there was an extremely lazy person in the team led by Di Kongxuan, but it seemed that he was lucky and was not attacked again. Brother Nabo These days I eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and I heard that I have gained a lot of weight."

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched, yes, it must be Yue Rushuang.

Since it is in the direction of the Qingyue Clan, it is not very far from the Shengling Clan.

She hesitated for a moment and said, "Do you have a way to contact that team?"

"There is a way. However, in the news they sent, it was mentioned that Di Kongxuan left the team alone. Even if you find that team, you probably won't be able to find Di Kongxuan." Chen Yuan guessed what she wanted to do , I kindly remind you.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood.

Di Kongxuan must have heard about her first, so he rushed over to find her.

Then she can continue to wait for Di Kongxuan here, and according to the tutorial, she may arrive tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Duanmuyi heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Brother Chen Yuan, have you visited the Chensha tribe?"

"No, what's wrong?" Chen Yuan asked.

"I'm a little worried about Tuantuan." Duanmuyi said, "She hasn't heard from her for a long time."

Although she gave Bai Tuantuan some self-defense medicine and a spiritual jade token in advance, she always had a bad feeling in her heart.

Chen Yuan comforted: "Bai girl looks stupid, but she is actually very clever. Do you think I will choose someone at random to manage the Shensha tribe for me? I have many capable people under my command, and they are all in secret Help her, don't worry so much. The situation in the college is more urgent now, I have to rush back later, and bring this foreign law enforcement team back to the college as soon as possible."

There are priorities, Duanmuyi naturally knows.

Sending Chen Yuan away, she will be the only one left in this other garden.

She tossed and turned on the bed, and she didn't know how long it took before she fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, it was broad daylight. Duanmuyi yawned, washed his face sleepily, and tied his hair in a bun. Huge waves, the primordial fetus on the bottom of the sea emitted a white light.


The hairpin fell to the ground and broke into three pieces.

Duanmuyi stood up suddenly, feeling a sudden sense of dizziness.

She swayed and fell into an embrace.

As if he heard someone calling her, Duanmuyi concentrated for a moment, and then realized that he had been hugged on the bed, and the man leaning over to call him urgently was Dikongxuan.

"Are you okay?" Seeing her clear eyes, Di Kongxuan heaved a sigh of relief, and helped her sit up, "What happened just now?"

There is not even a waiter in such a big courtyard, if he hadn't arrived in time, no one would have known if she fainted here.

Duanmuyi shook his head, tugged at his sleeve and said, "Tuantuan has an accident!"

It was the jade tablet with the imprint of her spiritual sense that she left to Bai Tuantuan, and it was crushed!
"Don't worry, Miss Bai is quick-witted, and she has the helper Chen Yuan left for her. The Bai family also has strong people. Take a breath first, and I will accompany you to the Shensha Clan to find her." Di Kongxuan patted her comfortingly. her back.

(End of this chapter)

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