Chapter 1864

Duanmuyi adjusted his breath, his eyes dimmed suddenly: "My sky card was taken away by Master and the others."

Without the Sky Card, if she takes an ordinary flying monster, when she arrives at the Chensha Clan, she might not be able to catch up with anything.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Seeing that her breathing was steady, Di Kongxuan pulled her up.

He stood in front of the bed, and typed out complex spells with both hands. The purple-gold aura diffused from his fingertips and condensed into a point in front of him. Then the point became bigger and bigger, expanding into a spiritual vortex.

At a certain moment, the palm prints of his hands merged into one, but he pulled them apart to the sides.

The spiritual vortex followed his movements, tearing apart the space.

The turbulent flow of space visible to the naked eye is flowing inside, and the string force is intertwined rapidly, trying to seal the hole.

"Let's go." Di Kongxuan hugged Duanmuyi into his arms, and without saying a word, it turned into a purple-gold streamer and pierced into the turbulent flow of space.

The whole space trembled, and all the tables and chairs in the room were shattered into powder under the influence of the overflowing string breaking force.The vortex of spiritual power trembled, slowly closed, and disappeared.

Not long after, the disciples of the Shengling clan who sensed the fluctuations here rushed over to take a look, and immediately sent someone to notify the elders.

Elder Jiang looked around, frowned and said: "Someone used space magic... This is a very spiritually consuming magic. It can't be used until the Mahayana period, and there must be a seven-day period of weakness after that... Such a bold move, could it be Xuan Is there someone from the night school again?"

Then some disciples talked about Chen Yuan's visit last night and the departure of the two elders Kui Ye.

Young Master Jiang by the door looked up at the creases on the bed, and swallowed the words again.

It should be Di Kongxuan who took Duanmuyi away, right?
Did he really come to find her in person?

How dare you not care about yourself so much!


In the depths of a back alley in the main city of the Shensha Clan, a purple-gold spiritual power vortex suddenly appeared.

A dark hole appeared, and then two lights and shadows fell out of it and fell to the ground. One stood firm against the wall, while the other staggered a few steps before turning his head to look back.

"Di Kongxuan!" Seeing him leaning on the wall with a pale complexion, Duanmuyi hastily stretched out his hand to support him, only after exploring did he discover that the spiritual power in his body was so exhausted!

"It's okay, just adjust your breath for a while." Di Kongxuan stood against the wall for a while, and took a deep breath. The meridians in his body felt dry and cracked due to the exhaustion of spiritual power, as if someone was cutting the fragile meridians with a file.

But he stood up straight, wiped the sweat from his palms on his sleeves, and then went to hold her hand: "It's all right, let's go, can you sense the position?"

Duanmuyi was worried about his body, but he was also worried about Bai Tuantuan's safety. Seeing that his expression was calm, he pointed in a direction: "It's probably here, but you have to get close to know."

The two walked out along the alley. It was the busiest time of the morning market. People were coming and going on the main street. The market area was prosperous and peaceful, and it didn't look like any accident had happened.

But because of this, Duanmu Yi felt even more uneasy.

She wasn't worried that the Mo tribe would send killers. With the defense of the main city of the Shensha tribe and the protection of the major families, the Shensha tribe was much more difficult than the Canghai tribe.

What she worries most is the threat from within.

The more she walked in this direction, the stronger the uneasiness in her heart became, until she stopped at...

(End of this chapter)

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