Chapter 1865

In front of a magnificent building, she stopped suddenly, staring at the signboard.

Shensha Auction House.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly in the auction house? !

Di Kongxuan pressed her arm, and said in a low voice: "Don't be impulsive, you need to outsmart. Let's go in first, and you find a way to scan the entire auction house with your soul power."

Duanmuyi calmed down and nodded.

The two showed the black iron ring and walked into the auction house.

As usual, the maid took the seat, the surrounding lights were dim, and the host on the stage was making the final preparations before the auction.

After Duanmuyi took his seat, he closed his eyes in peace and diffused his soul power.

There was a restriction in the background of the auction house to isolate the prying eyes of the soul power, but fortunately it was not set up elsewhere, and her soul power soon enveloped the entire auction house like an invisible tide.

"Who is it!" A thunderous shout resounded in the depths of her spiritual consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, a soul power not weaker than hers rose from the southeast corner of the auction house, quickly squeezing her soul power to the side.

Duanmuyi frowned, and immediately decided to disperse that part of his soul power.

If you take it back rashly, you will inevitably expose yourself. The best way is to give up this part of your power. Although cutting off contact forcibly will cause backlash, it is better than being discovered.

She covered her mouth and coughed softly, her temples were slightly swollen and painful, and the dizziness in her head became more intense.

"How?" Di Kongxuan didn't know that she had confronted someone just now, seeing her suddenly coughing, he hurriedly asked.

Duanmuyi shook his head and sighed: "I didn't find it."

But she was sure that the person must be here.

Then the only possibility is...

Her eyes fell on the background of the auction.

His fists were clenched suddenly.


The auction started on time, and the auctioneer was the most prestigious veteran auctioneer among all Chensha Auction Houses. His words were witty, and just a few sentences could arouse people's desire to pay.

"...Next is our fourth lot, which is a legendary pill."

As the auctioneer's voice fell, a transparent crystal jar was placed on the red velvet cloth, brought up, and placed on the display stand.

In the crystal jar, a pitch-black pill lay quietly inside.

Duanmuyi felt very familiar.

The auctioneer continued: "This elixir looks unremarkable, and it doesn't even have any fragrance or power fluctuations. However, after the appraisal of the auction house's appraiser, this elixir is at least the first-level attribute of spiritual products! Everyone , the first-level spiritual medicine pill is absolutely rare, although I don’t know its medicinal properties, but it must have the powerful effect of bringing back life and breaking barriers!"

Duanmuyi's eyes narrowed, and she remembered that this pill had appeared in the auction house of the Qingyue Clan!
It seems that the auction house over there can't sell it, so it is entrusted to here?

This auctioneer is really experienced, and with just a few words, the atmosphere of the whole scene was stirred up, which is far beyond the reach of those auctioneers in the branch.

"The starting price is [-] gold coins, and each increase is no less than [-]. Start bidding."

Duanmuyi stared at the elixir for a while, and suddenly a particularly ridiculous idea popped up in her heart - she must take it into her hand!

Although this idea was absurd and nonsensical, it took root in her mind crazily, and she couldn't drive it away like a madman.

(End of this chapter)

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