Chapter 1866

She accidentally pressed the bidding device at her hand.

"38, this friend here is bidding 38, is there any price increase?"

Soon, Duanmuyi's offer was overwhelmed, and no matter where it was placed, the elixir of the first level of spiritual grade was sought after by all the big families.

The price was pushed to 52 in the blink of an eye.

Duanmu intended to press the auction device again.



Duanmu Yimian pressed the bidder expressionlessly, and finally bought it at a price of 93.

From the beginning to the end, Di Kongxuan watched her silently from the sidelines, and only then did he ask in a low voice, "You have so much money?"

"No." Duanmu said calmly.

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Soon a maid came to invite her to pay for the transaction. Duanmuyi was about to get up when he suddenly noticed something and turned to look at the auction table.

An iron cage was pushed onto the auction stage, and a blood-stained girl in white was sleeping in the cage.

The crowd was in an uproar.

The auctioneer smiled and tapped the little golden hammer in his hand: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me. This girl is the child born of the combination of the head of the Bai family of the Shensha tribe and the rabbit demon of the Yao tribe. Recently, there has been a blood mutation. Everyone Please look!"

As soon as he raised his hand, a long bamboo stick extended from his hand, parting the girl's messy black hair, revealing a pair of hanging rabbit ears.He flipped off the girl's skirt frivolously until it reached the thighs, and a short fluffy rabbit tail was also evident.

"Everyone knows that the real monsters with noble bloodlines are far away in unknown places outside the territory. Wouldn't it be a good thing for such a girl with noble bloodlines to be taken home and trained properly?" The auctioneer looked from the men present. Scanned over the body, the meaning could not be clearer.

Satisfied to see that the atmosphere has been mobilized, he smiled, raised his hand and said, "The starting price is 8 gold coins, and we can start bidding."

Duanmuyi slowly clenched his fists.

It's Bai Tuan Tuan!

It's a piece of nonsense, she has the most noble blood of the monster clan, she can sense all the blood of the monster clan, and after spending so long with Bai Tuantuan, she knows better than anyone else whether Bai Tuantuan has the blood of the monster clan!

Now that Bai Tuantuan is alive or dead, she really wants to rush forward and snatch him away, but she is afraid of the previous soul power that is not weaker than hers, so she dare not act rashly.

The maid is already calling.

Duanmuyi turned his head to look at Dikongxuan.

Di Kongxuan nodded slightly at her, indicating that he would try his best to take pictures.

"She doesn't have the blood of the demon clan." Duanmuyi told him this sentence through voice transmission through his spiritual sense, then turned around and followed the maid to the trading office.

"Your transaction volume is relatively large, and you can completely conduct transactions in the VIP room." The maid led her into a luxuriously decorated lounge.

Not long after, three middle-aged men walked in one by one.

One person was holding the crystal jar in his hand, the other was holding a parchment scroll, and the last person was staring at Duanmuyi the moment he entered.

"A total of 93 gold coins. Would you like to pay in cash or with spiritual stones?" The man with the parchment sat down in front of her and asked in a businesslike manner.

"I don't have any money." Duanmuyi smiled slightly, and saw that the three men in front of him looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and said, "But I can exchange it with a first-level spiritual medicine."

All three were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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