Chapter 1876

It seemed that he couldn't believe it, and he seemed unwilling: "How is it possible..."

The spiritual consciousness was destroyed, and there was only one mortal body left, which was a walking corpse. No matter how bad Di Kongxuan was, he could deal with it. He immediately dealt with Elder Bai, and both disappeared behind the palace with Duanmuyi.

The two ran along the streets in the middle of the night, until Duanmuyi's spiritual sense sensed the person who had lost track of him, and then turned back to the inn.

Bai Tuantuan had already changed his clothes and was waiting for them.

"We have to go now, can you?" Duanmuyi asked.

Bai Tuantuan nodded firmly, covered himself with a large cloak, and said, "I know there is a way out of the city, which is relatively hidden, on the northern mountain."

As soon as she guessed, she knew that they must have been discovered by the people of the Baifu as they traveled in such a hurry.

But after Duanmuyi finished speaking, she opened her eyes wide. She didn't expect them to give her such a big gift.

"Elder Bai is dead."

Bai Tuantuan was silent for a moment, blinked, and said slowly, "It's a good death."

The three of them sneaked into the night along the base of the wall. Duan Muyi used his concealment technique to cover up the aura of the three of them. He quietly avoided several groups of search guards from the White Mansion and sneaked into the vast North Mountain.

Beishan stretches for thousands of miles, with many mountain systems, which is the natural dividing line between Baicao, Shensha and Shengling. Duanmuyi's opinion is to cross Beishan in the northeast direction. This route is very close to Xuanye College.

Only by rushing back to the academy as soon as possible can she feel at ease.

Di Kongxuan's aura has always been very unstable. It seems that after using the space technique, he had another battle with Elder Bai, which seriously hurt his vitality, and he might not be able to recover for a while.

Although Bai Tuantuan had calmed down, Duanmuyi could tell that she was flustered and her injuries hadn't healed yet. Duanmuyi didn't dare to let her use her spiritual power at will. It made her meridian burst.

So in this way, she is the only one who can fight.

Duanmu wanted to cry but had no tears.

Fortunately, Beishan was big enough. After the three sneaked in, they quickly disappeared.

Two hours later, Bai Wenchu ​​stood at the entrance of Beishan, listening to his subordinates' report, and smiled slightly for a moment: "It seems that the second son really expected it well. Since they are willing to seek death, don't stop them."


A loud noise erupted in the forest, and the last darkness before dawn was pierced by a dazzling purple-gold light, and a group of birds flew away with flapping wings.

Di Kongxuan clutched his chest, leaned against the tree behind him, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

It was the first time he was so embarrassed since his ascension.

In the previous freshmen meeting, even though he lost to Mo Chengyu, he still kept his back straight and his strength of character was strong, but now, his body's spiritual power was exhausted, and his dantian was tingling, as if he had come to an end.

The person in front of him has already sent a palm, intending to end his life.

A delicate figure suddenly appeared in front of him, with blue-blue spiritual power blooming, countless trees and vegetation in Beishan flocked here, and an indestructible barrier was built in the blink of an eye.

The other party slapped the wooden wall with a palm, but it only shook slightly.

"What pure wood-type spiritual power." The man sighed hoarsely.

Duanmuyi supported Dikongxuan, turned around and left without saying a word.

Di Kongxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly disappeared into the jungle together with her.

But after a while, the wooden wall finally shattered, and people still chased after it.

Di Kongxuan coughed.

(End of this chapter)

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