Chapter 1877

"Didn't I ask you to send Bai Tuantuan away?"

"I asked Erhu to send her off, why should I do this kind of thing myself." Duanmuyi snorted, "Are you determined to make me a widow?"

She mentioned the widow for the second time, and Di Kongxuan was both helpless and at ease.

The speed of the pursuers exceeded their expectations, and they could be seen soon.Duanmuyi could only stop again and cast the spell again to build a wooden wall.

After escaping for half a day in this way, they had already deviated from their direction and went deep to the northwest without knowing it.The forest here is more luxuriant, covering the sky and the sun, and there is no sunlight.

"It seems that he has entered the field of the Baicao Clan." Duanmuyi's spiritual power was also depleted due to the non-stop casting of large-scale spells at this time, and his face was covered with sweat.

Di Kongxuan touched her face, as if he wanted to say something.

Duanmuyi raised his eyes to look at him, and said expressionlessly, "We must die together."

"..." Dikongxuan's words were blocked by her again.

He thought, why is this girl so stubborn?How could he love her so stubbornly?Many women hope to be protected by their sweetheart, but she wants to protect him in turn.

"Hmph, don't run away, there are only two of you, and we can exhaust you to death if we take turns chasing you." Behind him, the hoarse voice came again.

Duanmuyi really didn't run away, she stopped, turned around to look, she was still smiling: "Since we are going to die, why don't we die to understand. Senior, are you from the Mo clan?"

"Hehe, the little girl's mind is really bright." The man neither said yes nor said no, but his attitude was arrogant, typical of the Mo tribe.

Duanmu released her soul power without any trace, wanting to detect if there was a way out, but as soon as her soul power left her body, she encountered a stronger attack from her spiritual consciousness, which instantly bounced all her soul power back to her consciousness. region.

It was the first time that he suffered a loss in soul power, and Duanmuyi was more astonished.

The man sneered and said, "Little girl, do you think you are invincible before weaning? You are not the only one in this world who has the mere mustard seed level spiritual consciousness."

Duanmu's sea of ​​consciousness was turbulent and dizzy for a while, and he felt sick spontaneously.

She tried her best to suppress it, and finally felt a little hopeless.

At this moment, a spirit ring on her finger suddenly emitted red light, and immediately after that, countless streaks of red light emanated from it, entwining her like a red thread.

Dikongxuan turned pale with shock, and wanted to pull her back, but it seemed that he had encountered a barrier and couldn't touch her.

Niutou's voice sounded in Duanmuyi's heart: "Honorable descendants of the Yaozu royal family, thank you for your rescue. Now, it's our turn to save you."

"Don't..." Duanmu had a premonition of what they were going to do and wanted to refuse, but his body was completely out of his control.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that the turmoil in the sea of ​​consciousness was forcibly suppressed and calmed down, and the countless red lights turned into stars and fell into the primordial womb deep in her sea of ​​consciousness.

The Yuan fetus grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, with limbs, facial features, blood vessels, muscles and bones... and finally even hair grew out.

After a while, it has grown into a naked woman with the same appearance as her.

At the same time, her sea of ​​consciousness set off a huge wave, roaring and rolled towards the woman, but the moment she approached her, she became docile and turned into a gorgeous dress, red as a fire.


Her spiritual consciousness broke through the Mustard Seed Realm in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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