Chapter 1881

Where did the Mo people come from such a top quality living Bodhisattva?

In order to prevent this living Bodhisattva from making any shocking moves, Duan Muyi pretended to groan, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Appearing in front of her is a young man with excellent appearance, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, jade crown and hair, wearing a robe of the direct line of the Mo clan, but it seems that he has modified it himself, changing the wide-sleeved robe into narrow sleeves, The hem of the procrastinated clothes was cut short, and a very inappropriate hemp rope was tied around the waist, and a delicate dagger was in his hand.

Thinking of the dagger he used to pry his mouth just now, Duanmuyi felt horrible.

"Ahem... who are you..." Duanmu asked in a spirited manner.

Seeing her wake up, the man knelt down to feel her pulse, and said with a smile: "It's raining Mo Ye, the girl is still young, it's okay to call it raining brother."

Duanmu said: "..."

What a greasy title!

Mo Yeyu... She drooped her eyes, and quickly realized that the yu generation, I heard that the Mo family has three sons, Mo Chengyu and Mo Lingyu, she has seen them all, and the living Bodhisattva in front of her is actually the third child of the Mo family ?

Duanmuyi couldn't cry out, so he changed the subject: "It was Mr. Mo who saved me just now?"

"It's a small effort, it's not worth mentioning." Mo Yeyu smiled coquettishly, "Can the girl get up? It's not safe here, let's find a safe place to talk."

Duanmu was anxious to find Dikongxuan, so he politely declined.

Mo Yeyu didn't force her, and after telling her to be careful, she left in a hurry.

Although he was dressed in nondescript clothes, Duanmu Yi had to admit that he had a rare hermit's posture, wild but not turbulent, chic and unrestrained.

"He turned out to be Mo Yeyu." Mo Zhanfeng's voice sounded again.

"He's an interesting person." Duanmuyi stood up, and after taking the medicine he gave him, he really felt much better. Even if his soul power hadn't recovered, at least [-]% of his spiritual power had recovered.

Since Mo Yeyu came from that direction, it meant that Di Kongxuan was not there, so Duanmuyi immediately changed direction and walked in another direction.

After walking about a hundred steps, Duanmuyi suddenly saw an old man in white clothes standing in front of him, with white beard and hair, and a fairy-like appearance.

Mo Zhanfeng immediately warned: "Be careful, don't go there!"

Duanmuyi stopped in vigilance and looked at him.

In fact, the two were already standing very close to each other, and the fog had lightened a little here, but the distance they could see was only ten steps away.

The old man smiled slightly at her, and said surprisingly: "A descendant of the Duanmu family?"

"Are you—" Duanmuyi asked cautiously, not daring to offend him rashly.

The old man hehe: "Are you looking for the one from the Dijiang clan? If you want to see him, come with me, everyone is waiting for you."

Although Duanmuyi didn't know what he meant by the big guy, but since he knew the whereabouts of Dikongxuan, it meant that she had to go there.

Mo Zhanfeng didn't speak any more.

Because he was keenly aware that the old man seemed to have already noticed his existence.

After walking with the old man for about half a quarter of an hour, the fog in front of my eyes parted to the two sides, and suddenly everything became clear, and I could even hear the sound of gurgling water.

The vegetation became more and more lush, and when she stopped, the scenery here was no different from the outside world.

"Lao Hai, is this the descendant of your Duanmu family?"

(End of this chapter)

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