Chapter 1882

"What great things can a girl doll accomplish? I think you are doomed. Give me your soul orb earlier."

"Hey, what a big tone, don't you look at that guy from your Dijiang clan, his breath is so weak, if he is not lucky, he would have died here long ago, accompanying us old guys!"

"Bah, bah, bad luck! The descendants of our Dijiang clan activated the Dijiang totem, and cultivated to the Mahayana stage at a young age—"

"Young? Excuse me, you are too old to see clearly. This guy is more than 200 years old. Look at the younger generation of our Duanmu family. He is only less than 50 years old!"

The more Duanmuyi listened, the more she felt that it was outrageous, and she really wanted to interrupt them, but she couldn't get in the words of these old people.

After hesitating for a moment, she gave up, and glanced over these people who were constantly arguing, and looked to one side, and sure enough, under the ancient tree on one side, she saw Di Kongxuan who was still sleeping.

She stepped forward quickly, knelt down beside him, did not move him hastily, observed his expression, and relaxed a little.

When she turned around and wanted to ask, she found that the group of old people who were still arguing just now had gathered around and looked at her kindly.

Duanmu said: "..."

It's really scary.

"Girl, what's your name?" The old man with a blushing face and thick neck who had been arguing before had a coaxing gesture on his face, "Old man Duanmu Hai is the second generation head of the Duanmu family in Xuanye Continent."

The senior of the Duanmu family, Duanmuyi had already seen one in the Cangyang Continent. He was good at cheating and abducting, forcibly instilling most of her spiritual power into her body, which almost caused her to explode and die...

Duanmuyi is extremely sensible for these people who are courteous to nothing.

She said neither humble nor overbearing: "Junior Duanmuyi, I have met senior."

Another person laughed: "What is your relationship with this junior in my family? My junior looks like a dog, does the girl have a crush on him?"

Duanmu Yi glanced at that person, guessing that it should be a senior from the Dijiang clan, so he smiled a little: "He and I are husband and wife."


After Di Kongxuan woke up, he found Duanmuyi obediently sitting not far from him, surrounded by a dozen old men with white beards who were booing and asking her, the scene was really horrifying and disillusioned.

He coughed twice, sat up, and found that the dry and broken meridians had already healed more than half, and although the spiritual power had not fully recovered, it had already recovered [-]%.

Duanmuyi looked at him with joy in his eyes, and immediately ran towards him.

Di Kongxuan opened his arms and took the person into his arms.

Good thing they're all still alive.

"Ahem, it's good to be young." A group of old men gathered around and began to care about the young couple.

Di Kongxuan was overwhelmed by the quarrel, and felt that the good atmosphere had been ruined by them, so he naturally turned cold and said politely: "Seniors, can you be a little quieter?"

Everyone: "..."

The old man of the Dijiang clan is the second-generation patriarch of the Dijiang clan, Di Chongfeng, when he heard this sentence, he laughed out loud: "Not bad, not bad, I have the momentum of my Dijiang clan."

There was still chatter here, and another voice came from the entrance of the forest over there: "Old man Di, old man Duanmu, you two are nothing, look at our little friend, he is upright and chic, Truly a genius!"

Everyone turned to look.

(End of this chapter)

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